Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 39119
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2005/8/14-15 [Reference/Religion] UID:39119 Activity:low
8/14    Now for something totally frivolous. I was reading about the
        Knights Templar and how they were betrayed and murdered by
        the Pope and Philip the Fair and I thought wow that sounds
        a lot like Eps. 3 (Pope == Emperor, Philip == Vader). Anyone
        else see a parallel btwn the Jedi and the Knights Templar?
        \_ The were in general persecuted for sodomy.  Didn't catch that
           overtone in Ep. 3... but maybe I didn't look hard enough.
           \_  -John
           \- the analogy to philip le bel doesnt work. if you are interested
              in in this period, you may wish to read Les Rois Maudits, a
              7 book series by Maurice Druon, which is probably the best
              historical fic. series I have read. n.b. unless you read French,
              it may be a little hard to find in english [ucb lib has it].--psb
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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2013/3/13-4/16 [Reference/Religion] UID:54623 Activity:nil
3/13    The new pope is from Argentina.
        Does it make another Falkland War between Argentina and the Anglican
        UK more likely?
2008/5/15-16 [Reference/Religion] UID:49953 Activity:moderate
5/15    motd mormon troll guy, are you on vacation?
        "The Mormon Church has instructed its lawyers to gag the Internet over
         WikiLeaks' release of the 1968 and 1999 versions of its confidential
         handbook for Church leaders. Apart from attacking WikiLeaks, legal
         demands were sent to Jimmy Wales of the WikiMedia foundation for a
         WikiNews article merely linking to the material, and has

2008/4/16-23 [Reference/Religion] UID:49764 Activity:nil
4/16    Pope fashion show!  I had no idea he had so many outfits.,29307,1730229,00.html
        \_ Are you kidding? Pope Benny loves his Gucci and Prada. He's probably
           the queeniest pope ever.
        \- you know most of those are hand-me-downs, right?
           \_ Costumes?
2007/12/18-20 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:48832 Activity:moderate
12/18   Can anyone explain why so many Republicans keep claiming that tax
        cuts raise government revenue, even when they know it is not true? (WashPo)
        \_ Because in a high-tax environment, it's true?  Tax RATES aren't the
           same as tax REVENUE.
                \- yes, "everybody" acknowledges this may have been true
2007/12/10-14 [Reference/Religion] UID:48777 Activity:kinda low
12/10   Are there equivalence to the Catholic Pope for Mormons, Muslims,
        Jewish, etc?
        \_ no.
        \_ Definitely not for Judaism though many Jewish sects/degrees of
           orthodoxy have one or more groups of Rabbis who are seen as sort of
           community elders.  They are closer in some respect to Cardinals in
2007/5/3-7 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel, Reference/Religion] UID:46519 Activity:high
5/3     So I watched "Frontline/American Experience" this week. The topic
        was "The Mormons". I always knew the Mormons were a cult, but
        they are even more cultish than I thought. I especially liked
        the part about baptising dead Holocaust victims, which for
        some reason Jewish people are not too happy about. I wonder why.
        \_ Hi troll.  This is the same PBS which refuses to show the special
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Star Wars "Pants" Lines This probably takes some explaining. I recently received an e-mail c ontaining several Star Wars quotes that sounded funny when a key word wa s replaced with "pants". I do not know who first came up with the idea o r who originated the forward. When I got the e-mail, I spent a good hour thinking up additional quotes. It was, in fact, the best way of putting off term papers I have seen to date. What follows is the fruit of my--and many other people's-- labour. Quotes with an asterix next to them came in the original e-mail; Many thanks to Norm Anderson and Brian Wecht for forwarding me the e-mail, and to Norm Anderson, Jon Pearson, and everyo ne who has written since then for coming up with new ones. The last time I felt it was in the presence of m y old master. Chewie and me got into a lot of pants more heavily gu arded than this. That's because droids don't pull people's arms out of their pants when th ey lose. I guess that's what you're best at, isn't i t --Luke, SW I want them alive. That's okay, I'm never coming back to thi s planet again. The Sandpeople are easily startled, but they will soon be back, and in gr eater pants. I should have expected to find you holding Vader's pants . A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for pants. Between his pants and your blasting everything in sight, it's a wonder th e whole station doesn't know we're here! I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your pan ts. Your father wanted you to have pants when you were old enough. Tell them if they don't do as you wish, you'll become angry and use your pants. Looks like someone's beginning to take an interest in your pants. Credit to Dave Sim s Pants me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son! Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. I hope you enjoyed reading these as much as I did coming up with them. If you'd like to contribute any new ones, drop me an e-mail and I'll inclu de them.