2006/12/29-30 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:45514 Activity:very high | 12/29 R.I.H. Saddam Hussein
\_ Hope GWB joins him soon.
\_ YES! Death to all tyrants in the world! Now there will be peace
and harmony in the middle east again, where Shiites and Sunnis
will hold hands and celebrate. We can now bring the troops back.
2006/10/11-13 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:44774 Activity:low 80%like:44769 | 10/11 The invasion of Iraq may have caused 650,000 Iraqi deaths.
http://tinyurl.com/fjqs7 (online.wsj.com)
\_ Yawn. May have? In the same way there was 'up to' 800 killed on
the Bay Bridge from the Loma Prieta quake as reported by the Daily
Cal. These guys admit they time and public with a political
agenda. Where are these 650k bodies? They don't just vanish like
2005/6/20-21 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:38205 Activity:high | 6/20 Curiosity got the best of me, and I read the Lancet study, too. It's
quite thorough, undeceptive, and straightforward. Responding to
emarkp's post (http://csua.com/?entry=38170
RE: Confidence Intervals. (1)Assuming a normal(it's not, it's
skewed), there's a 90% certainty there were over 40k dead, 85%
certainty over 51k dead, 75% certainty over 68k dead. (2) this CI
2005/6/20-21 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:38208 Activity:low | 6/20 Subthread about mortality rates yanked from above Lancet post
\_ This is ordinarily true, but I would be curious to see some
pre-Saddam data. Naturally, I doubt we could find something like
that. -- ilyas
\_ The study actually recorded pre-Saddam data. Pre-Saddam death
rates were 5.0(3.7,6.3)/1000/yr, Post-Saddam data were
2005/6/20 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Computer/Theory] UID:38210 Activity:nil | 6/20 In the encyclopedia under "cognitive dissonance" it says "see emarkp
and the below Lancet threads."
\_ d00d, cognitive dissonance is "no doubt" there were WMDs to: uh,
why can't we find any? oh yeah, because they're in syria or buried
in the desert.