Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 38169
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/12/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2005/6/17-18 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:38169 Activity:moderate
6/17    In response to this:
                      "Speaking as someone who gets around without a car,
                       you're wrong.  The combined Bay Area transit miasma
                       is one of the most expensive and least effective
                       systems in the country, and it shows no signs of
                       abating as the biggest, most expensive, and least
                       effective part of it (BART) keeps sucking up
                       all the mind share and funding.  Woo hoo, a billion
                       dollars for an extension to Warm Springs, that'll
                       help!  -tom"
        See "BART named #1 Transit System in U.S."
        \_ The APTA awards are self-nominated and self-congratulatory; they
           mean nothing.  -tom
           \_ Reference please?
                 And your above URL, which lauds BART's airport extension
                 that came in 2 years late, more than a billion dollars
                 over budget, and has less than half the ridership BART
                 was projecting.  -tom
                 \_ $1 billion over budget?  WHat was the budget?
                    Although, since it's basically the only part of BART I
                    ride regularly, I like it anyway.
                    \_ The budget was originally $1.2 billion.  Actually,
                       if I recall correctly the budget was $700 million for
                       a multi-modal station west of 101, where you'd get
                       the monorail, but BART insisted on going directly
                       to the airport, which had an estimated cost of $500
                       million more, and made the trip slower.  And it
                       wound up costing over $2 billion.  -tom
                 \_ Hmm, people think BART sucks because they don't ride it,
                    and people don't ride BART because they think it sucks.
                    \_ People ride BART when it's an easy hop from it to their
                       destination, and when their destination has high parking
                       or toll costs.  Other than that, its integration with
                       the rest of public transport, and the imbalance in funds
                       making for lower quality in the rest of public transport
                       makes BART suck.
                 \_ Hmm, people think BART sucks because people don't ride it,
                    and people don't ride BAR because they think BART sucks.
                    and people don't ride BART because they think it sucks.
                       \_ I see many bus lines stopping at every BART station.
                          SF MUNI's light rail also stops at BART stations.
                          And there are free BART shuttles to employers.  (I
                          used to take the one going from Hayward to Foster
                          City.)  How is it not integrated with the rest of
                          public transport?  Suggestions for improvement?
                          \_ Take a trip to Singapore and experience the
                             MRT system. They use a single RFID card to
                             deduct money each time you enter and leave
                             a train station or bus anywhere in Singapore.
                             That doesn't work with BART,MUNI, AC Transit
                             Cal Train, etc.
                             \- SINGAPORE IS THE STANDARD:
                                Of course there is also this aspect of SIN:
                          \_ There is no "transit pass"; if you want to take
                             AC Transit to BART to MUNI you need to pay three
                             different times.  BART, when partnering with
                             other transit agencies, insists on BART service
                             being offered at something like 90% of full price,
                             which makes monthly passes pointless.   -tom
                        \_ That is not the way politics works. BART is nice
                           so more middle class people ride transit, so more
                           money is allocated to transit overall. The money
                           would go to freeways instead.
                           \_ Obviously, this hasn't worked, as nearly
                              all the money which goes to "transit" goes
                              straight down BART's money pit.  Been to
                              Warm Springs lately?  -tom
           \_ NYC's MTA won the same award in 2001.
              \_ I was there in 2000 and I didn't like MTA at all.
                 Trains are slow, mainly because they stop every two
                 blocks all the way from Coney Island until
                 Manhattan. Seats are not very comfortable. Stations
                 are dirty and ugly, water leaking from the ceilings
                 in some underground stations. I thought BART was so much
                 better than that.
                 \_ Exactly.  The award means nothing.
                 \_ BART was designed by people who think public transit
                    should be like Disneyland.  -tom
                    \_ OOC, if you were designing public transit, how would you
                       do it?  --dbushong
                       \_ UBAHN! The TUBE!  There are successful models the
                          whole world over.  We'd rather subsidize the auto
                          industry than have good public transit.
                          \_ The Tube?  The Londoners I know bitch about the
                             Underground every goddamn day.  It's really just
                             grass-is-greener syndrome, they have no idea
                             how good they have it.
                       \_ I would be a lot more careful about things like
                          survey results and customer satisfaction.  Cushy
                          chairs may increase customer satisfaction, but if
                          they don't increase ridership, the money spent on
                          cushy chairs should be spent somewhere else.
                          I would build in incentives to use the system
                          a lot (monthly passes at significant discounts).
                          I would build it so transit users are prioritized
                          over auto drivers (instead of transit users
                          subsidizing thousands of free parking spaces as
                          they do on BART).  I would notice that the most
                          successful stations are the ones that are located
                          in neighberhoods, not the ones that are located
                          in the middle of acres of parking lots.  I would
                          use standard rail (unlike BART) to allow for
                          flexibility in use of the right-of-way, and lower
                          build and replacement costs.  For long-haul runs,
                          I would use trains which are fast.  I would
                          make runs like Dublin to Bay Fair short shuttles,
                          rather than redesign the entire schedule (poorly)
                          just because two stations were added.
                          For example.  -tom
              \_ I was there in 1999 and thought it worked pretty well, but I
                 was only in Manhattan/Staten Island.  I rode VTA (mostly bus)
                 and CalTrain in the south bay in 1997-2000 and it was
                \_ that's nice.  tom is still right.
2024/12/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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7/1     BART labor union holding the transit infrastructure hostage.
        \_ Yesterday's SFGate poll showed that 11% of the readers sympathize
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           \_ The millions the Koch Brother's spent are paying off. Workers
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2012/7/29-9/24 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:54446 Activity:nil
7/29    Is it really true that we subsidize auto driving to the tune of
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        \_ You might have missed the point.  Hiring a chauffeur to drive your
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2011/10/10-18 [Recreation/Food, Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:54191 Activity:nil
10/10   Has anyone heard the CSX Train commercial on the radio?  I wonder why
        a freight railroad company bothers to advertise to individual
        comsumers.  It's not like someone can click "By CSX Train" when
        choosing shipping method on, or someone will choose this
        brand of pasta sauce over that brand at a grocery because it was
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2010/2/10-3/9 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:53700 Activity:nil
2/10    Does anyone have an authoritative URL that shows the % of people
        in the Bay Area who commute via foot, bike, car, BART, and Caltrains?
        In particular I'd like to look at trend as well.
        \_ has some.  -tom
        \_ Guys, guys, guys, I asked a simple question. What % of Bay Area
           traffic goes to autos, bikes, foot, BART, and Caltrain? I'm
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Those are just some of the words to describe how BART employees feel today after hearing the nation s most highly-respected transportation organization has, for the first t ime in history, declared BART as the #1 Transit System in America. The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) is the nations prem ier public transit organization. On October 12 in Atlanta, GA, APTA wil l crown BART as the #1 Transit System in America by awarding BART with i ts highest trophy the Outstanding Achievement Award in the category of p roviding 30 million annual passenger trips or more. Its the equiva lent to competing at the Olympics and winning the gold medal! When applying for the award, BART faced some of the fier cest competition in recent history. By winning the award BART joins a d istinguished group of past recipients including New York Citys MTA (2001 ) and Denvers Regional Transportation District (2003). BART believes its loyal riders deserve much of the credit for making BART the #1 Transit System in America. Peets Coffee & Tea to give up to 100,000 riders complimentary pre-loaded gift cards during the morning commute. The program was la rgely funded through passenger fares. BART Board President James Fang s aid the riders more than deserve the nations highest award since they pa id for the program and supported BART through all the construction. The renovation program completely overhauled all of BARTs original cars, fare gates, fare machines, escalators and elevators, Fang said. As a res ult, reliability on a range of equipment shot up, such as ticket vending machine reliability, which went from a low of 76% before the renovation s to 96% now. That in turn boosted BARTs customer satisfaction ratings to the point that now 90% of customers say they would recommend BART to a friend or out-of-town guest. Thats why were thanking our riders with f ree coffee and tea, which will be entirely paid for by Peets. This award really belongs to our riders and the people of the Bay Area, s aid Margro. Thats because it validates the wise investment they made wh en they voted to build BART 32 years ago. It also honors them for votin g time and time again to allow BART to use their hard earned money to gr ow and expand what's now being hailed as the #1 Transit System in Ameri ca. APTAs Outstanding Achievement award also recognizes BART for providing pa ssengers with extraordinary service during extraordinarily difficult fin ancial times. Thats something most other transit systems have not been able to do during the current economic downturn. Even while facing the worst revenue decline in BART history, BART has not lost focus on customers and has held operational performance steady and has increased customer satisfaction ratings without cutting service fre quency, hours or routes or compromising safety. The award also recognizes BART for opening one of the nations only plane- to-train connections the BART to San Francisco International Airport ext ension. Over the next year, BART will hold more, Rider, Thank You! Like with the Peets event, BART will partner with other companies to thank ri ders, including giving away airline tickets amongst other things. Its the least we can do for our loyal riders who continue to believe in B ART, said Margro.
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APTA's Awards Program recognizes excellence in the public transportation industry. In addition to the well-known Hall of Fame award, the program recognizes-in the individual category-an outstanding transit manager, tr ansit board member, business member, an elected or appointed official, a nd a decision maker or private citizen advancing transit at the state an d local level. All nominations for individual awards should include how the nominee demo nstrates APTAs core values: Leadership, Integrity, Excellence, Diversit y, Inclusiveness, Fairness and Equity, Teamwork, Professionalism, and Ac countability. In the categories for organizations, awards recognize innovation, as well as outstanding achievement by transit systems. The APTA Awards Committe e selects winning transit agencies in four basic categories divided by a nnual ridership: agencies providing fewer than 1 million passenger trips , agencies providing more than 1 million trips, agencies providing more than 4 million trips, and agencies providing 30 million or more trips. W inning individuals and organizations will receive the awards in Septembe r during a special ceremony at APTA's Annual Meeting and Expo in Dallas.