Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 38095
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/22 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2005/6/13-15 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:38095 Activity:low
6/12    Nuclear power might be unsustainable:
        \_ Refuted:
           (search for Jan Willem)
        \_ You better be a dumb undergrad, oops, I mean, uh, learning?
           \_ What's wrong with the claims?  -- !OP
              \_ They're confusing and they have all the data in PDFs.
                 It's possible they're right, but they need to present the
                 data and analysis more cleanly, so that scientists can more
                 easily point out important true points and big mistakes.
                 The conventional wisdom in the scientific community is that
                 nuclear power is much more efficient than coal/gas/oil
                 especially in terms of environmental impact, except when you
                 have a problem you really have a problem (nuclear waste leaks,
                 nuclear meltdown, planes flying into nuclear power plants,
                 breakout into nuclear arms), and there is no pressing natural
                 resource issue at the rate we are adopting nuclear power.
                 I repeat:  They /might/ be right, but they need to be more
                 clear by:  Getting the stuff out of PDFs and have "current
                 belief" vs. "correct belief" comparisons and persuasive
                 explanations for how/why the discrepancies came to be.
                 \_ I agree with most of your points, except it's really
                    hard to store nuclear waste, and you have to do it for
                    50,000 years.
                    \_ It's a whole heck fo a lot easier to store than the
                       waste from burning coal.
                       \_ How, exactly, do you figure?
2024/11/22 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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        This is totally awesome.
        "equips each node in the network with quantum transmitters–i.e.,
        lasers–but not with photon detectors which are expensive and bulky"
        \_ The next phase of the project should be stress-testing with real-
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12/4    "Carbon pollution up to 2 million pounds a second" (
        Yes, that's *a second*.
        \_ yawn.
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12/7    Even oil exporters like UAE and Saudi Arabia are embracing solar
        We are so behind.
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The rich uranium ores required to a chieve this reduction are, however, so limited that if the entire presen t world electricity demand were to be provided by nuclear power, these o res would be exhausted within three years. These are the salient results of the research reported on this website. T hese results are explained in the semi-technical document "Can Nuclear P ower Provide Energy for the Future; The remarkable conclusion of this research might prompt one to ask how it was possible that an entire energy industry was built up when in fact, using all available resources, it could only provide such a small amount of electrical power. There are two reasons that may explain this remark able fact, one arising from unrealistic, and easy to refute, assumptions concerning the (energetic) yield of nuclear power and the other on an ( up to the present) unjustified technological optimism. The first is that the full energy content of the 071% ^235U in natural u ranium could be converted into electricity (with essentially no losses, except for the unavoidable loss when heat energy is converted into elect rical energy). As our calculations show, this is a far cry from reality. The magnitude of the losses become clear when the energy costs of energ y production are taken into account. These losses are discussed qualitat ively in the document "Can Nuclear Power Provide Energy for the Future; ", and calculated quantitative ly in the technical chapters. Without going into details at this point, we mention that the largest unavoidable energy cost is that of mining an d milling the uranium ores. To calculate this we use only the data on th ese processes provided by the industry itself. The rich ores that are at present exploited need very little energy for exploitation, but the use ful energy content of these ores is quite small (under the assumption th at only the ^235U is "burned"). When they are exhausted the energy neede d for the exploitation of leaner ores will require more input energy fro m fossil fuels than the nuclear power-plant will provide, so that a nucl ear power-plant would become a complicated, expensive and inefficient ga s burner. Immense amounts of money and energy have been i nvested to no avail in attempts to develop fast-neutron breeder reactors in the last half century. We make no prediction about the eventual poss iblity of breeding. I f that situtation continues we can look back on a wasted half a century in which mankind, for much lower cost, could have instead developed trul y sustainable energy sources. This document refutes criticism that was placed on the web by t he nuclear industry (The World Nuclear Association, WNA), in an attempt to discredit the conclusions reached in an earlier version of this websi te. Every point of criticism is completely refuted with facts and calcul ations, all based on publications of the industry itself. It is unpleasa nt to have to note that some of the criticism is based on apparently del iberate misquotation of our text. From the beginning we have added the energy costs of safely sequestering the depleted uraniumn which arises as a waste pro duct of enrichment. Recent scientific reports on the health costs to bot h the military and the civilian populations, particularly due to the car cinogenic property of uranium, have reinforced our conviction that this large energy expenditure must be acknowledged by the industry as an addi tional requisite to operating nuclear power plants. In order to read the information in the documents on the pages of this we bsite the visitor must have Acrobat Reader installed on her computer. Revision dated 9 October 2004 From now on, if you wish, we will inform you when we have modified this w ebsite. nl> with "subscribe" in the subject box (without the quotes around it). When modifications are made you will receive an email alert informing you on which page (and/or chapter) you should look to find the modifications that we have made. We will not, under any circumstances, allow your email address to fall in to the hands of other persons. If you wish to contact us to discuss issues relevant to the website, plea se use one of our email addresses which can be found on the Background p age. An improved version of Figure 6a (page 5 of Chapter 2 of Facts and Data) has been installed today.
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Energy Analysis of Power Systems UIC Nuclear Issues Briefing Paper # 57 January 2004 * Life Cycle Analysis, focused on energy, is useful for comparing net e nergy yields from different methods of electricity generation. If the financial c ost of building and operating the plant cannot profitably be recouped by selling the electricity, it is not economically viable. But as energy i tself can be a more fundamental unit of accounting than money, it is als o essential to know which generating systems produce the best return on the energy invested in them. Analysing this energy balance between inputs and outputs, however, is com plex because the inputs are diverse, and it is not always clear how far back they should be taken in any analysis. For instance, oil expended to move coal to a power station, or electricity used to enrich uranium for nuclear fuel, are generally included in the calculations. But what abou t the energy required to build the train or the enrichment plant? And ca n the electricity consumed during enrichment be compared with the fossil fuel needed for the train? Many analyses convert kilowatt-hours (kWh) t o kilojoules (kJ), or vice versa, in which assumptions must be made abou t the thermal efficiency of the electricity production. Some inputs are easily quantified, such as the energy required to produce a tonne of uranium oxide concentrate at a particular mine, or to produc e a tonne of particular grade of UF6 at a uranium enrichment plant. Simi larly, the energy required to move a tonne of coal by ship or rail can b e identified, although this will vary considerably depending on the loca tion of the mine and the power plant. Moving gas long distances by pipel ine is surprisingly energy-intensive. Other inputs are less straightforward such as the energy required to buil d a 1000 MWe power plant of a particular kind, or even to construct and erect a wind turbine. But all such energy inputs, as with cash inputs by way of capital, need to be amortised over the life of the plant and add ed to the operational inputs. Also the post-operational energy requireme nts for waste management and decommissioning plants must be included. As well as energy costs, there are external costs to be considered, those environmental and health consequences of energy production which do not appear in the financial accounts. Recent studies have plausibly quantif ied them in financial terms, and I will comment on those at the end. Many energy analysis studies done in the 1970s seem to have assumed that a rapid expansion of nuclear generating capacity would lead to a tempora ry net energy deficit in an overall system sense. However, this requires dynamic analysis of whole systems, and is not considered here. Studies were also driven by a perception that primary energy sources including u ranium would become increasingly difficult and expensive to recover, and would thus require undue amounts of energy to access them. The figures in Table 1 are based as far as possible on current assumption s and current data for enrichment, mining and milling, etc. Where curren t data is unavailable, that from earlier studies is used. For nuclear po wer, enrichment is clearly the key energy input where the older diffusio n technology is used - it comprises more than half the lifetime total. H owever, with centrifuge technology it is far less significant than plant construction. There is an overall threefold difference in energy ratio between these two nuclear fuel cycle options. As yet, no figures seem to have been tabulated for a closed fuel cycle wi th reprocessing, such as is UK policy (and upsetting some Irish observer s), although this would probably reduce the energy inputs for nuclear po wer production somewhat *. It is also important to recognise that precis e energy figures for plant construction are not readily available, altho ugh several studies use a factor converting monetary inputs to energy. The only data available for storage and disposal of radioactive wastes, n otably spent fuel, suggests that this is a minor contribution to the ene rgy picture. This is borne out by personal observation in several countr ies - spent fuel sitting quietly in pool storage or underground is not c onsuming much energy. Decommissioning energy requirements may be conside red with wastes, or (as Vattenfall) with plant construction. On the same basis, Cogema's McClean Lake mine there input 56 TJ and two Cogema mines in Niger in 2000 input 37 TJ. Note that if ore of 001% U is envisaged, the Ranger data would give 58 P J for the centrifuge option. Comparison with ERDA 76/1: The Ranger data (1997-98) x 34 years shows onl y 20% of the mining & milling energy use but excludes plant construction . The diffusion enrichment data above (on higher tails assay, burn-up, and capacity factor) gives only 66% of the ERDA figure but excludes plant construction. ERDA notes that "the centrifuge process is expected to reduce the direct requiremen t for electricity by a factor of ten", in fact today it is better than t hat. for conversion: 167 PJ (Chapman 1975), 9 PJ (Perry et al 1977, table IV) . for fuel fabrication: 042 PJ (Chapman 1975), 5 PJ (Perry et al 1977, tab le IV). for waste facilities in Sweden: 019 PJ for decommissioning: Bruce A 52 PJ, Bruce B 43 PJ, Darlington 45 PJ, P ickering A 57 PJ, Pickering B 62 PJ. If 30 PJ or 25 PJ is taken for diffusion and centrif uge enrichment respectively as the energy capital cost of setting up, th en at 75 PJ/yr output the initial energy investment is repaid in 5 month s or 4 months respectively at full power. Table 2 Life Cycle Energy Ratios for Various Technologies Source R3 Energy Ratio. These figures show that energy ratios are clearly sensitive not only to t he amount of energy used, but also to capacity factors, particularly whe re there are significant energy inputs to plant. Just as with cash input s to plant construction, the higher the input cost the more output is ne eded to amortise it. With technologies such as wind, this is inevitably spread over a longer period due to lower capacity factors. The LNG figures quoted are for natural gas compressed cryogenically and s hipped to Japan and used largely for peak loads. The solar and wind figu res relate to intermittent inputs of primary energy, with inevitably low capacity utilisation and relatively high energy costs in the plant (for silicon manufacture in the case of solar cells, or steel & concrete for wind turbines). Unlike some others in use, the R3 energy ratio converts between electrica l and thermal energy, including a thermal efficiency factor. Nevertheles s the reciprocal percentage seems more meaningful. The Swedish utility Vattenfall has undertaken a thorough life cycle asses sment of its Forsmark nuclear power station, which has three boiling wat er reactors totalling 3100 MWe net. The energy analysis figures (transport included, 40 y r plant life, with PJ figures calculated from percentage on basis of 327 2 PJ output) were: input as % of output PJ Mine 044 14 Refining & conversion 318 104 Enrichment (80:20 centrifuge:diffusion) 300 98 Fuel fabrication 134 44 Plant operation 028 92 Plant build & decommission 027 88 Waste management 011 36 Waste build & decommission 001 Total life cycle: 870 % 285 PJ (This Vattenfall 2000 LCA study tracks energy inputs further back than ot hers, hence it is only comparable with data based on similar methodology . Wind and solar, however, are under 10 because of their lower energy density. Vattenfall (1999) mentions that the production of pure silicon for solar photovoltaics (PV) requires large energy inputs and accounts for most re source consumption in solar cell manufacture. Voss (2002) shows hydro, wind and nuclear with inputs less than 7% of lif etime outputs, then gas and coal between 17 and 30%. Life cycle analysis: external costs and greenhouse gases A principal concern of life cycle analysis for energy systems today is th eir likely contribution to global warming. If all energy inputs are assumed to be from coal-fired plants, at about o ne tonne of carbon dioxide per MWh, it is possible to derive a greenhous e contribution from t...