tinyurl.com/bsyxx -> www.amazon.com/gp/cdp/member-reviews/A28U80Z0NRUHJR/ref=cm_cr_auth/102-5082540-6918501
Needs more info, specifically about the original socialist salute to the US flag. The pledge was written by a national socialist (Francis Bellamy) in the USA and the original salu te was a straight-arm salute (as shown in web image searches for "origin al socialist salute"). The book suggests that the author is unaware of t he news-breaking discovery by the historian Rex Curry that the straight- arm salute of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazis) came from the USA's pledge of allegiance and military salute, and not from an cient Rome. Bellamy put flags in every school to promote a government ta keover of education for widespread nationalization and socialism. As the only person who collects and exposes the frightening historical photos of the original socialist salute to the US flag, I find most books on the pledge deficient in that regard. Edward and Francis Bellamy were cousins and were national socialists who idolized the military and wanted to nationalize the entire US economy, i ncluding all schools. It was a philosophy that led to the socialist Whol ecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part) where millions were murdered (62 million by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 35 million by th e Peoples' Republic of China, 21 million by the National Socialist Germa n Workers' Party) in the worst slaughter in history. All Holocaust Museums could expand f our-fold with Wholecaust Museums. Many people forget that "Nazi" means "National Socialist German Workers' Party," and one reason people forget is because the word "Nazi" is overu sed by the writers who never say the actual name of the horrid party. A good mnemonic device is that the sick socialist swastika represented two overlapping "S" letters for "socialism" under the National Socialist Ge rman Workers' Party, as exposed in the book "Swastika Secrets." Bellamy believed that government schools with pledges and flags were need ed to brainwash children to embrace nationalism, militarism, and sociali sm. The Bellamys wanted the government to takeover everything and impose the military's "efficiency," as he said. It is the origin of the modern military-socialist complex. Francis Bellamy wanted a flag over every sc hool because he wanted to nationalize and militarize everything, includi ng all schools, and eliminate all of the better alternatives. During Bel lamy's time the government was taking over education. As revealed in the book "The Pledge of Allegiance and the Bellamys," they wanted government schools to ape the military. Government schools were intended to create an "industrial army" (another Bellamy phrase, and the word "army" was not metaphorical) and to help nationalize everything el se. Because of the Bellamy way of thinking, government-schools spread and the y mandated segregation by law and taught racism as official policy and d id so even after the National Socialists were defeated, and well beyond. Thereafter, the government's segregation legacy caused more police-state racism of forced busing that destroyed communities and neighborhoods and deepened hostilities. Because of the Bellamy way of thinking, government-schools spread and the y mandated the Nazi-style salute by law, flags in every classroom, and d aily robotic chanting of the pledge of allegiance in military formation like Pavlov's lapdogs of the state. The hypnotic "Sieg Heil" salute to a flag symbol mesmerized Americans lon g before it brainwashed Germans. The bizarre practices served as an exam ple for three decades before they were adopted by the National Socialist German Workers' Party. When Jesse Owens competed in the 1936 Olympics i n Germany, his neighbors attended segregated government schools where th ey saluted the flag with the Nazi salute. As under Nazism, children in the USA (including Jehovah's Witnesses and b lacks and the Jewish and others) attended government schools where segre gation was imposed by law, where racism was taught as official policy, a nd where they were required by law to perform the Nazi salute and roboti cally chant a pledge to a flag. If they refused, then they were persecut ed and expelled from government schools and had to use the many better a lternatives. Jehovah's Witnesses were among the first people to publicly fight the gov ernment and its pledge ritual in the USA, during the same time that they fought it in Nazi Germany. They eventually achieved total victory over Nazi socialism. They achieved only partial victory over similar socialis m in the USA. The US Supreme Court ruled that they could not be forced to perform the pledge. Laws still make teachers lead children in roboti c chants of the socialist's pledge daily, on cue from the government. Je hovah's Witnesses and other children in government schools must watch th e ritual performed by others. The pledge gesture was altered and explicit school segregation by governm ent ended. The Government's schools still exist, the federal flag brands government schools, and government's teachers must chant the pledge dai ly. Students are kept ignorant of the pledge's original salute and histo ry. The USA also continued its Nazi numbering (social security from 1935) and its robotic pledge, with no stopping. At the height of Nazi power, the USA's government deliberately stepped on to the same path with national numbering imposed in 1935 with the social security system. The federal government was growing massively and attem pting to nationalize the economy in many ways. The US Supreme Court stru ck down much of the new legislation as unconstitutional until the craven FDR pressured the Court into the "switch in time that socialized nine." Today, the USA numbers babies, and government schools demand the numbers for enrollment, and the numbers track homes, workplaces, incomes, financ es, and more, for life. School laws still tout the daily pledge, a bizar re ritual shunned by every other country. The pledge of allegiance is an example of why some educated socialists (s ocialists who know the origin of the pledge) laugh at so-called "conserv atives," because socialists presume that conservatives have been duped i nto supporting socialism and are ignorant of the pledge's socialist past . The author does not seem to have a problem with "patriotism" and the pled ge of allegiance. Big problem: The author probably does not arise each m orning to gather with neighbors and robotically chant. Most people only "love" the pledge when government's schools lead children in robotic cha nting every morning for twelve years of their lives upon the ring of a b ell, like Pavlov's lapdogs of the state. Did I mention that the pledge i s an example of why government schools are unconstitutional and have des troyed a "free press" and why government schools must end? The author is not libertarian and he uses the misnomer "public schools" t o mean "government schools." No one would trust the government to tell t he truth if it published books like this one. Why would the government t ell the truth in government schools? It is amazing that books don't examine the issue of whether the pledge sh ould be dropped entirely, especially for young children in government sc hools. As the new saying goes "Remove the pledge from the flag, remove t he flag from schools, remove schools from government." Overall, the book was very revealing and educational and worth the time t o review.
The socialist struggle of Hitler, Stalin & Mao (in audio) , May 17, 2005 The audio version of the disgusting book "Mein Kampf" by Adolph Hitler gi ves it the sound that brings it down with the film "Triumph of the Will" and with "The Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx and the little "Red boo k" by Mao (each also available). Many people try to single out Hitler as unique, but it is unfortunate that he was matched or surpassed in monst rosity as a member of the socialist trio of atrocities (Hitler, Mao, Sta lin) that led to the socialist Wholecaust (of which the Holocaust was a part): 62 million killed by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 35 million by the Peoples' Republic of China, 21 million by the National So cialist German Workers' Party. The National Socia...