5/17 Which one is more energy efficient?
1. Hybrid vehicle
2. Burn the same amount of oil at a power plant and use the electricity
to power an electric-only vehicle.
\_ hybrid. electrical generator are not very efficient unless you
do it on a massive scale. then, electricity can't be stored.
you would be better off with some sort of hybrid.
\_ I don't know, but I'll guess the Hybrid. The power plant would
probably have the edge in just plain kilowats/gallon, but car
batteries have a pretty big creation cost. The energy of
making the batteries is pretty large. Again, I don't really
know though.
\_ not to mention how much power is lost in the battery
charge/discharge cycle.
\_ We don't usually burn oil at power plants. We use coal.
\_ Yeah, but there are power plants that run on oil.
\_ Like Hawaii
\_ Is it coconut oil, or tanning oil?
\_ Oriental massage oil.
\_ But here in CA we only burn natural gas.
\_ coal, gas, hydro, nukular, etc.. -- the beauty of the electrical
distribution system is the generation sources are diverse as well.
No reliance on one increasingly rare resource.
\_ Yes, we should be using nuclear.
\_ And the newest round echo-chambering begins... |