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2001/9/12 [Uncategorized/Multicategory] UID:36273 Activity:nil |
9/12 http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/57/21626.html - go fbi go! \_ Damn. The CIA is so lame now that the FBI needs to take over its jobs? \_ Hmm. I'm not sure that this is what that article implies. The FBI is supposed to be handling domestic crime -- including terrorism, espionage, etc. The CIA wasn't mentioned in the article at all. \_ SIGINT is the responsibility of the CIA/NSA. Carnivore is SIGINT. \_ Yes, but this shouldn't preclude the FBI from having some measure of autonomy. some measure of autonomy. The fact that the FBI wants to do surveillance without being dependant on the NSA/CIA should not be alarming. \_ But the apparent fact that the CIA is not doing it should be alarming. \_ True, but this article doesn't address that driectly \_ The FBI is doing the grunt work (install/setup) on behalf of the agency. You have to understand the way that spooks work. They never do anything directly. \_ True, but this article doesn't address that directly or implicitly. The focus of the article seemed to more about infringement of personal privacy... be more about infringement of personal privacy... |
www.theregister.co.uk/content/57/21626.html -> www.theregister.co.uk/2001/09/12/fbi_steps_up_net_surveillance/ Kieren McCarthy Published Wednesday 12th September 2001 12:41 GMT The FBI has been accused of using yesterday's disaster as a way to install more of its Carnivore listening boxes into Internet systems. FBI agents have reportedly turned up at several Internet and network service providers with a number of boxes in tow and requesting permission to install them at the heart of people's networks. com that agents had turned up at his work "with a couple of Carnivores, requesting permission to place them in our core, along with offers to actually pay for circuits and costs". Other sources say the FBI agents have said the boxes will only be there for the next few days. Even though the terrorist attacks are fresh in people's minds, some observers have already raised concerns that the failure of the intelligence agencies to uncover the plots will lead them to ask for increased surveillance powers. Suggestions that the terrorists communicated through encrypted information sent over the Internet have already started emerging. |