This is the UC Berkeley Residential Theme Program webpage where you can: 1 Read a brief description about each of our 6 theme programs, 2 Follow a link to find more in depth information about each program, a nd 3 Apply to any and all programs that you are interested in. REMEMBER: You have to first apply for residential housing and THEN apply to a theme program.
The African American Theme Program provides residents and interested community members with the opportunity to discuss specific issues relati ng to the African American culture. It also promotes social and politica l awareness among students and provides information about resources with in the African American community. The theme program is fully supported by the African-American Student Deve lopment Office and the Department of African-American Studies.
The Asian Pacific American Theme Program is a residence for students who have an academic interest in Asian Pacific American history, culture and contemporary issues. Through organized academic and social activiti es such as study groups, lectures, cultural events, films and classes, t he residence provides a dynamic environment for interaction and learning . The APATH theme program is fully supported by Asian Pacific American Stud ent Development and the Asian-American Studies Department.
Casa Magdalena Mora is a cross-cultural theme program for residents w ho share interests in Chicano/ Mexican relations and culture. An excitin g part of the program is the interdisciplinary focus integrating languag e, history, politics, economics, art, music and literature into a holist ic and dynamic range of academic and social activities including poetry readings, cooking and dances. The theme program is fully supported by Chicano/ Latino Agenda and the Ch icano Studies Department.
The LGBT Theme Program provides a positive and safe environment to ex plore the academic, political and social issues of the Lesbian, Gay, Bis exual, Transgender and Intersex experience at Cal. Located in the beauti ful Foothill Student Housing Complex (see page 2 of this brochure), our spacious suite-style community offers a comfortable and intimate living environment. A live-in Theme Program Advisor provides resources and supp ort for residents social and academic needs. Through intentional facult y and staff interactions and community activities, students are introduc ed to many opportunities for leadership and involvement both on campus a s well as in the greater San Francisco Bay Area. In addition, students w ho are interested have the opportunity to work closely with Cal faculty and residential living staff to plan and implement a variety of programs and events for their community. Students of all sexual orientations and gender identities are welcome and encouraged to apply.
The Women in Science and Engineering Theme Program aims to provide a living and learning environment for women students with a strong interes t in math, science, and engineering. Its goal is to maximize WiSE studen ts awareness and understanding of their potential fields. In the classr oom, WiSE students will likely be taking common, basic courses in mathem atics, chemistry, computer science, and physics together. Outside the cl assroom, WiSE students will continue to learn from their peers, and rece ive specialized advising and mentoring that will assist them in their tr ansition to Cal. Continuing WiSE students will be recruited as peer ment ors for incoming freshmen and transfer students. WiSE Theme Program is fully supported by our Science and Engineering Depa rtments.
The Global Environment Residential Theme Program provides a living an d learning environment for students interested in social, economic and s cientific issues affecting our Earth's urban, rural and global environme nt. The goal of the program is to bring students and faculty together in a variety of structured and informal ways to explore issues such as glo bal environmental change, policy and management of natural resources, su stainable rural and urban environments, and environmental leadership. Th e program provides students and faculty with a forum to exchange ideas, challenge each other's thinking, and share experiences about a variety o f topics in small group settings. Residents will receive specialized adv ising and mentoring to assist them in their academic career at UC Berkel ey and beyond. As Berkeley students, they will experience all of the opp ortunities of a large university, but will have the added benefits of be ing part of a smaller and closer community of 20 Global Environment Hous e residents and the teaching and advising faculty who dedicate their tim e to the program. The Global Environment Theme Program is co-sponsored by our College of Na tural Resources. HOW TO APPLY There are three simple ways to apply for housing in one of the Residentia l Theme Programs: 1 You must complete a UC Berkeley housing application to be considered.