Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 35845
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2005/1/21-24 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:35845 Activity:nil 50%like:34159
1/21    Can someone recommend a good low-priced place to provide web
        \_ Sitelutions is a buck a month for their basic setup, and I've had
           no hassles.
                \_ Thanks. I just checked them out, but they don't allow
                   PHP in that basic plan.
        \_ I've heard good things about hostrocket but have never used them.
        \_ I know people who've had good experiences with 100M
           of space for $20/year. PHP, MySQL, shell, email. I haven't used
           them myself. -gm
Cache (734 bytes)
Our strategy is to provide a very low cost web hosting solutions to compa nies and individuals just getting started and then provide advanced solu tions as their business grows.. We offer feature rich, budget hosting plans, no setup fees, no surprises, excellent reliability and service, pre-installed scripts and generous b andwith. All our hosting packages come with Cpanel Control Panel and Fantastico Au to-Installer. We have all the features you need to quickly get your site up and running. Our servers all run RedHat Linux 80 or higher as an operating system, wi th a heavily optimized Apache web server for maximum website efficiency. Server loads are monitored carefully to ensure that load times remain f ast 24 hours a day.