Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 35384
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/26 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2004/12/21-22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:35384 Activity:moderate
12/21   Protest GWB's inauguration, please join and help out, YOU
        can make a difference!
        Orig story:,2933,142235,00.html
        \_ you know there was a time in history when protestors would
           gather at say, Woodstock or Berkeley and make big noise
           with songs, dances, drugs, and riots, and they would be on
           prime-time news. I'm sad to say this but the new apathetic
           materialistic and often ignorant student body of Gen Y at
           Cal is failing to live up to traditions.
2024/11/26 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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2012/12/18-2013/1/24 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:54559 Activity:nil
12/18   Bush kills. Bushmaster kills.
        \_ Sandy Huricane kills. Sandy Hook kills.
           \_ bitch
2011/5/1-7/30 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:54102 Activity:nil
5/1     Osama bin Ladin is dead.
        \_ So is the CSUA.
           \_ Nope, it's actually really active.
              \_ Are there finally girls in the csua?
              \_ Is there a projects page?
              \_ Funneling slaves -> stanford based corps != "active"
2010/11/8-2011/1/13 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion] UID:53998 Activity:nil
11/8    Have you read how Bush says his pro-life stance was influenced
        by his mother keeping one of her miscarriages in a jar, and showing
        it to him?  These are headlines The Onion never dreamed of
2010/11/2-2011/1/13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:54001 Activity:nil
11/2    California Uber Alles is such a great song
        \_ Yes, and it was written about Jerry Brown. I was thinking this
           as I cast my vote for Meg Whitman. I am independent, but I
           typically vote Democrat (e.g., I voted for Boxer). However, I
           can't believe we elected this retread.
           \_ You voted for the billionaire that ran HP into the ground
2010/5/26-6/30 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:53845 Activity:nil
5/26    "China could join moves to sanction North Korea"
        How did Hillary manage to do that when we're also asking China to
        concede on the economic front at the same time?
         \_ China doesn't want NK to implode. NK is a buffer between SK and
            China, or in other words a large buffer between a strong US ally and
2010/4/28-5/10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:53808 Activity:nil
4/28    Laura Bush ran a stop sign and killed someone in 1963:
        How come she didn't go to jail?
        \_ Car drivers rarely go to jail for killing people.  -tom
        \_ Ted Kennedy killed a girl. Dick Cheney shot a man.
        \_ Ted Kennedy killed a girl. Hillary and Dick Cheney both shot a man.
2010/2/21-3/9 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:53717 Activity:nil
2/18    If not 0 then 1 - wasn't that the basis of the logic of the bush
        administration on torture?  If we do it, it's legal, and since
        torture is illegal, therefore we don't torture?
        \_ Bush is a great computer scientist.
           \_ He must be, given that he defeated the inventor of the Internet
              and AlGorithm.
2009/12/25-2010/1/19 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:53603 Activity:nil
12/24   Why San Francisco and union and government suck:
           San Francisco to become richer and richer and richer. It's
           Disneyland for adults! YAY!!!
        \_ No doubt that there is plenty of corruption in San Francisco that
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STORIES WASHINGTON As President Bush's team works furiously to get ready for th e 55th presidential inauguration on Jan. The nation was strongly divided about issues like the Iraq war, the War o n Terror and the economy during this year's presidential election betwee n Bush and Massachusetts Sen. Though the election is over, s ome of the president's detractors say they aren't done complaining. "For the past four years, the Bush administration has tried to silence th e voice of the people. "We hope to inspire people to keep tu rning their backs on the Bush administration and its policies." Heiko's group anticipates that more than 10,000 people from 41 states wil l come to Washington on Jan. "We are not turning our backs on our c ountry, we are turning our backs on Bush." Web site says 7,000 protesters wi ll gather along the inaugural route demanding, "End the occupation of Ir aq bring the troops home now." Various groups are using Web sites, e-mails, fliers and word of mouth to urge thousands of demonstrators to gather in the nation's capital. Among planned events are an anti-war rally and three-mile march to the White House, a massive bike ride similar to those that disrupted traffic in Ne w York City before the Republican National Convention, and a "die-in" to remind the nation of more than 1,200 US dead in Iraq. org, which says, "Bush isn't going away, and neither are we." Inauguration week will feature rallies, marches and demonstrations with t he focus on peaceful, family-friendly gatherings, said protest organizer Shahid Buttar. search), a political ac tion committee that views Bush's presidency as illegitimately won. David Lytel, founder of ReDefeat Bush, said his group will film events on Inauguration Day and release a documentary online that evening. But whether the president will get a good view of the protests is another question. The parade route that winds down Pennsylvania Avenue is alrea dy being lined with bleachers, occupying prime locations on the sidewalk where demonstrators would like to collect. Buttar said his group has received permits for parks around the city, but it is still waiting for clearance to march along the inaugural parade r oute. Officials at the pro-life, pro-Bush Christian Defense Coalition sa id they applied for a permit one year ago to hold a counter-demonstratio n, but they still don't know where they will be allowed to protest. "It's a sad commentary that people who want to peacefully articulate thei r views at this inauguration are being treated as second-class citizens, and the Secret Service and the Presidential Inaugural Committee should be bending over backwards to protect the First Amendment," said the Rev. search) said it is grantin g permits for the use of specific locations and nothing is unusual about their planning process. It is routine at this poin t now to still be in the talking and discussion and negotiation stages f or the permits," said Bill Line of the National Park Service. "We ask fo r people's forbearance, we ask for people's patience. ER officials say NPS has already denied a permit to the gro up for large-scale anti-war demonstrations along the parade route on tha t day. More details of protest plans will be released once all permits have been secured, Lytel said. But, he added, whatever the resolution, Bush, who will be in a security area known as the "Red Zone," will be surrounded t hat day by blue, the color assigned to Democratic-voting states. "What I expect is more people will be here to protest Bush's inauguration than to inaugurate him," Lytel said. FOX News' Steve Centanni and The Associated Press contributed to this rep ort. com Site Tools Take advantage of services and tools that get you closer to the news. Sub scribe to FOX News Alerts, or download our FNC Ringtones, Search Toolbar , Ticker and more.
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We need to think strategically about direct action, learn from a rich history of nonviolent activism, a nd develop new tactics to take on this administration. On January 20th, 2005, we're calling for a new kind of action. The Bush a dministration has been successful at keeping protesters away from major events in the last few years by closing off areas around events and usin g questionable legal strategies to outlaw public dissent. On Inauguration day, we don't need banners, we don't need signs, we just need people. We're calling on people to attend inauguration as they are: members of th e public. Once through security and at the procession, at a given signal , we'll all turn our backs on Bush.
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Sign and circulate the new Voter Bill of Rights Our goal is to get 25,000 people to sign the Voter Bill of Rights and the n send the bill to all members of congress. Peaceful Holidays Ideas and actions for making this holiday season one of peace, love, and compassion for all. Lets use this holiday season as our opportunity to show that war is not a game and to teach our children nonviolence. We ca n no longer stand by and allow our children to play with war toys, or fi ght with and die by real weapons in Iraq. We built incredible momen tum at the Republican National Convention in New York. See news, actions and photos, including an open letter to the media concerning the illega l arrests and detentions during the Convention. CODEPINK led training sessions and convened with thousa nds of peace and justice activists at the Boston Social Forum and the Na tional Vets for Peace Convention, so as to not let the Democratic Nation al Convention render the war in Iraq completely invisible. Local CODEPINK Action CODEPINK is taking action all over the country! CP Colorado delivered a p ink slip to their State Secretary, Donnetta Davidson, for failing to sec ure the integrity of Colorado's voting systems, and CP Boston protested the visiting Bush Twins.
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Join DAWN as we caravan down to Columbus, GA to vigil and protest the Sch ool of the Americas/WHINSEC. The SOA has trained many of Latin America's most notorius dictators (including Noriega and Pinochet) in military to rture techniques. For more than 10 years, SOA Watch has organized an ann ual vigil including direct action against the school. Cost: $80 includes transportation and a deferment of group housing. It was an amazing week with hundreds of protest events all around the city. RNC Arrestee information Tuesday August 31 was designated as a day of direct action and nonviolent civil disobedience. DAWN participants and other DC activists were among the 1,200 people arrested in Manhattan that day by the NYPD. View Pictures DAWN sent a crew of 25 to Boston for the Boston Social Forum and for the demonstrations at the Democratic National Convention. Since the Democrat ic Party platform and John Kerry have been explicitly pro-war, calling f or 40,000 more troops in the military and a homeland security apparatus they liken to a "neighborhood watch" program, DAWN felt it important to make an anti-war statement in Boston At the convention, DAWN successfully let their anti-war stance known to t housands of Democratic delegates as they entered Boston's Fleet Center. We specifically targe ted him not only for not standing up strong against the war, but not bei ng strong enough on DC statehood (which is missing from the platform) an d for shutting down DC General Hospital (the last public hospital in DC) . Read a couple articles featuring DAWN participants, especially an article in Mother Jones. Join DISCUSS via web The ANNOUNCE listserve is a moderated list only for announcements of even ts of interest to the local anti-war community. The DISCUSS listserve is open to unmoderated public discussion; however, personal attacks against members of the listserve or participants in DAW N are prohibited. LINKS Explore other organizations who support peace and equality.
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Counter-Inaugural 2005 Bush Isn't Going Away and Neither Are We! We cannot wait another 4 years to stand against the war and rampant socia l injustice of another Bush Administration. A coalition of social, polit ical, and religious activists have come together to protest the coronati on of George W Bush. We invite you and all your friends and family to j oin hundreds of thousands in the streets of Washington, DC. On November 2nd and 3rd as the votes were being counted residents of Wash ington DC took to the streets to show opposition to an inherently corrup t system, no matter who won the presidential election. Now the inaugurat ion looms on the horizon and in DC where 91% voters rejected Bush energy is high to organize visible resistance to another 4 years of Bush throu gh linking the national and even global struggle against the Bush regime to our local struggle for democracy here in the District. Join us for a week of action January 15-Janurary 20, 2005.
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After some stupendous days of action including our Cacerolazo March and F estival of Resistance, the Mobilization for Global Justice is looking fo rward to more actions to bring the world's attention to the gross injust ices perpetrated by international financial institutions under cover of secrecy and back room deals. Upcoming Meetings * GENERAL MEETING: Next General Meeting: Wednesday Dec. From the Columbia Heights metro, walk west on Irving, then north on 16th. OCTOBER 1ST AND 2ND DROP THE DEBT STOP THE WAR WE DEMAND JUSTICE! THE MOBILIZATION FOR GLOBAL JUSTICE called all activists to WASHINGTON DC on OCTOBER 1ST AND 2ND to protest the meetings of the G-7, the World Ba nk and the IMF and to join a Memorial Procession to end the war in Iraq. In 2002, developing countries received $58 billion in loans and developme nt "aid", much of it from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) The same countries, in the same year, OVER 5 TIMES THAT AMOU NT in servicing their debt: $324 billion. For many countries, paying bac k their debt diverts public funds that would otherwise go to public educ ation, healthcare, food subsidies, and other essential services. For the first time in history, 100% multilateral debt cancellation for im poverished nations is on the table. An agreement could be reached on Oct ober 1st during a meeting of the G7 Finance Ministers. The joint annual meeting of the IMF and World Bank took place October 2nd and 3rd, and an y agreement on multilateral debt cancellation would have to have been ra tified and implemented there, but no agreement was reached. Friday, October 1, Noon, TREASURY BUILDING - 15th and New York Ave NW Protest in front of the G-7 Finance Ministers meeting On the eve of the World Bank and IMF semi-annual conference, the seven mo st powerful economies met. The G-7 is the global decision maker on the m atter of debt cancellation. Both in the IMF and World Bank, countries ar e given a vote proportionate to the size of their economies. To make changes to either institutions ma ndate or to make decisions like 100% debt cancellation, a super majority of 85% is required. This means that the G-7 countries must all agree on changes and that the US effectively has veto power. Compare the G-7s to sub-Saharan African countries voting power in both the World Bank and I MF--less than 5%--and it is easy to see the injustice inherent in the in stitutions. By protesting the G-7 we took it to the decision makers. The G-7 must hear the demands of millions world wide for 100% debt cancella tion and economic justice. In solidarity with the successful peoples movements everywhere, we kept vigil in front of the World Bank and the IMF, watchi ng and waiting... org From the front lines of conflicts in Mexico, Argentina, South Africa, Pal estine, Korea, 'the North' from Seattle to Genoa, and the 'War on Terror ' in New York, Afghanistan, and Iraq. It is the story of men and women a round the world who resist being annihilated in this war. While our airwaves are crowded with talk of a new world war, narrated by generals and filmed from the noises of bombs, the human story of this gl obal conflict remains untold. "The Fourth World War" brings together the images and voices of the war on the ground. It is a story of a war with out end and of those who resist. The product of over two years of filming on the inside of movements on fi ve continents, "The Fourth World War" is a film that would have been uni maginable at any other moment in history. Directed by the makers of "Thi s Is What Democracy Looks Like" and "Zapatista", produced through a glob al network of independent media and activist groups, it is a truly globa l film from our global movement. The Central American Free Trade Agreement was signed h ere in Washington DC May 28th MGJ participated in: A banner intersection action: Thursday May 27th, at the USTR building. A moving picket of noise and resistance: On Friday, May 28th, we brought flags, banners, drums, whistles and our voices to a picket at Organizati on of American States (OAS) building where the delegates were inside for the signing pomp and circumstance. On May 28th at the Organization of American States here in Washington DC, US Trade Representative Robert Zoellick were joined by the trade repres entatives from five Central American countries for the signing of the so -called Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and the US are embarking on a dis astrous trade agreement that will pit workers in the US against workers in Central America in a race to the bottoma race characterized by low w ages, human rights violations, environmental destruction, union busting, corporate exploitation, and the marginalization of women. This 'free tr ade' agreement is viewed as a step towards the larger, much more ominous Free Trade Area of the Americas. Mobilization for Global Justice has joined the chorus of voices protestin g the cruel injustice of CAFTA. This is its second major collaboration w ith the Stop CAFTA coalition since fall of '03. The rally began at Floger Park, moved to the Democra tic National Headquarters, continued to the Republican National headquar ters and ended on the steps of our Capitol. There was also a civil disob edience action led by people living with AIDS and HIV and the leaders of the community organizations on the front lines of the epidemic. free from Adobe From the World Social Forum in Mumbai (Bombay), India, to the streets of Washington DC, people called for protests at the semi-annual meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) This April, w hile the profiteers of global economic destruction met behind closed doo rs, global justice activists came together to demand the globalization o f liberation, not corporate greed! Decimate women's rights and devastate the lives of women, their families and communities. In the 60th anniversary year of the IMF and World Bank, Mobilization for Global Justice demands the following: * Open all World Bank and IMF meetings to the media and the public. We furthermore demand that the United States government, the largest shareholder and most influential government in the World Bank an d IMF, adopt the above demands, and work vigorously to compel the World Bank and IMF to implement them We call upon all those who fight for justice to join in solidarity with o thers around the world in forging a human-centered globalization: a glob alization of the right to food, medicine, safe water, shelter, education , a clean environment and the right to organize; a globalization of the freedom of speech, belief, assembly, and reproduction; a globalization o f liberation from fear, poverty, and violence. We stand for the rights o f indigenous peoples, the rights of all genders, the rights of people li ving with HIV/AIDS, the rights of communities to self determination. We stand for affordable health care, strong labor rights, and social and e conomic policies that place people before profit. This is the globalizat ion we envision, demand, and will fight for. In place of that other gl obalizationthe globalization of greedwe will live the change we want t o see!
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Committee to ReDefeat the President Joy Howell, 202-828-7838 or Channa Luna, 202-828-7827 Committee to ReDefeat the President Launches With Events in San Jose and Washington WASHINGTON - October 21 - A new political action committee called the Com mittee to ReDefeat the President will hold its first public event from 4 pm to 7 pm Sunday October 26th at the Valencia Hotel in San Jose. T he Committee to ReDefeat the President is an independent expenditure com mittee not affiliated with any candidate. com, its will channel volunteer act ivities into effective political action to defeat President Bush. Its go al is to harness tens of thousands of volunteer hours to register one mi llion new Democratic voters in key states and get them to vote on electi on day 2004. The event at the Valencia (located at 355 Santana Row) will be followed b y an event on Tuesday November 4th at the Spy Lounge in Washington, DC ( located at 2406 18th Street, NW). Both events are timed to coincide with televised debates between the Democratic presidential candidates. On 10 /26 attendees will watch the debate sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus and on 11/4 attendees will watch the debate sponsored by Rock th e Vote. Food and drink will be available, and a discussion of redef eating Bush will follow the televised debates. In cooperation with other organizations the Committee will sponsor nation wide Tuesday Night Democratic Clubs. These gatherings at WiFi-enabled ho tspots will enable activists with laptops and cell phones to make phone calls to households that are likely to register as Democrats but are not currently registered to vote. To raise the money necessary to underwrit e its activities the Committee will seek online contributions, sponsor e vents and sell branded merchandise, which will be available at the event s The host committee for the San Jose event includes Harry Saal, the foundi ng CEO of Smart Valley, Inc. Tara Lemmey, former president of the Electronic Frontier Foun dation, founder of several start-ups and current CEO of LENS Ventures; a nd David Scott Carlick, Managing Director, Internet 30 Group, VantagePo int Venture Partners. "We can have a major impact on the outcome by helping to channel voluntee r enthusiasm into politically effective activities," said founder David Lytel. Lytel is a former Internet adviser in the White House Office of S cience and Technology Policy in the first Clinton Administration, where he oversaw the construction and operation of the award-winning White Hou se Web site. com, the large st independent community of Democrats, which is not affiliated with the Committee to ReDefeat the President.