Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 34931
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/27 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2004/11/16-17 [Academia/StanfUrd] UID:34931 Activity:kinda low
11/16   Condoleezza Rice and the Stanford Spy Ring
        \_ The freeper cowards pulled it:
2024/11/27 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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2010/2/4-3/4 [Academia/UCLA, Academia/StanfUrd] UID:53690 Activity:nil
2/4     UCB 19th in private donations for 2009 behind #1 Stanford and #9 UCLA. (LA Times)
        List of Top 20: (Wall Street Journal)
        \_ advice to UCB fundraiser committee: Ask not how you can
           get more donations. Ask why you are not getting donations.
        \_ why the fuck should i donate to a place that told me my undergrad
2009/12/26-2010/2/18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:53605 Activity:kinda low
12/26   Mail is being retired, but will mail still be forwarded if we have
        a .forward? Also, _why_ is mail being retired?
        \_ one more yreason i only hire stanford grads from now on
           \_ Like you have any real hiring decision power.
        \_ don't recall seeing a discussion on this.  it would be nice if mail
           service remains.
2009/9/23-10/5 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:53395 Activity:moderate
9/23    I'm in grad school part time, and the professor I was trying to get
        to advise me just sent me "What you suggest (remote, part-time, topic
        formulation) doesn't fit my advising style..."  Does anyone know
        what "topic formulation" might mean in this context?  I come with
        funding from work, but the topics I can choose are somewhat limited.
        Could be a reference to that...
2009/8/12-9/1 [Academia/StanfUrd] UID:53266 Activity:kinda low
8/10    Check this out. I went to Google Maps, typed in Pasadena then Animal Shelter.
        The first few items are "Caltech Housing", for students. I tried this for
        other cities like Berkeley and got real animal shelters. Is this some kind
        of lame geek joke from Caltech fraternity students?
        \_ Learn to format properly. Caltech doesn't really have fraternities,
           they have "houses" which are sort of like dorms, co-ops and frats
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com On the surface, Condoleezza Rice is the perfect pick for George W Bush. She is a distinguished fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. Bush insiders have mentioned Rice as being on the short lis t for Secretary of State. Rice reportedly is also close with former Clinton Secretary of Defense Dr . Rice worked with Perry and the Clinton administration d uring her term at Stanford. Clinton insiders have also mentioned her as being on the short list for Secretary of State. "I know that he understands the complexities of our relationship with Chi na," stated the former Stanford provost of the Texas governor. "He believes that conflict between our nations is not inevitable. Yet he recognizes the challenge that the Chinese government poses to our intere sts and values and the irresistible demand for liberty that can be unlea shed by freer trade with its people." Rice has some experience concerning past free trade issues with China. In 1996, Rice was involved in the largest Chinese army penetration of the Clinton administration. To this day, Condoleezza Rice will not answer qu estions about her service at Stanford with Chinese Army spy Hua Di. Hua Di came from a family of prominent Communist officials. Hua Di studie d missiles in Russia, and worked in the Chinese ballistic missile progra m for 24 years. In 1984, Hua Di went to work for the China International Trust and Investment Company (CITIC) a firm part owned by the Chinese a rmy. In 1989, Hua Di fled China for America during the Tiananmen Square crackd own and joined Stanford University. While at Stanford, Hua Di worked wit h Condoleezza Rice, Dr. Hua Di spent m ost of his time documenting Chinese missile systems for the University a nd the Clinton administration. Hua Di also started a little home-based company at Stanford. Lewis of Stanford and Hua Di were in business with the Chinese army. Ding Henggao -- and entered into a joint venture cal led Galaxy New Technology. As a result of that joint venture, a secure fiber-optic communication sys tem was exported directly to the Chinese army. General Accounting Office r eport that was sharply critical of the direct transfer to the Chinese ar my. The key to the whole transaction was Chinese defector Hua Di. In an inter view published by the Far Eastern Economic Review, Hua Di described hims elf as a "matchmaker." Hua Di also noted that he was a good friend of Ge n Huai Guomo, the Chinese army officer then working for Gen. Lewis, was also a busy man with two extra job s In 1994, Dr. Lewis was officially listed on the US Defense Departme nt payroll as Defense Secretary William Perry's personal "consultant" at the same time he worked on the Hua Mei project. docume nts obtained using the Freedom of Information Act, Lewis was pulling thr ee paychecks: one from Stanford, one from the US Defense Department, a nd one from the Chinese army. At the same time, the Hua Mei deal was completed with the same Chinese generals. The sudden up grade of Chinese military technology enriched Ding and Lewis. Ding's incredible espionage success inside the Clinton administratio n brought a literal flood of advanced military equipment for the People' s Liberation Army. The long list of advanced military equipment obtained by Gen. Ding does not stop with the Hua Mei secure fiber-optic communic ations system. Perry, also obtained super computers for nuclear weapons research, missile nos e cone design software, special missile manufacturing equipment and mult iple nuclear warhead designs. In 1996, then Stanford Provost Condoleezza Rice investigated Dr. According to the allegations, some of the docu mentation used to support the Hua Mei project with the Chinese army was prepared using Stanford resources. "We'll follow what is a normal process under these circumstances. It's no t all that unusual that issues arise concerning conflict of interest," s aid Rice in 1994. In December 1997, I tried to contact Chinese missile expert Hua Di at Sta nford University in California. Curiously, Hua Di would not grant an int erview on missiles or the Hua Mei project. In fact, immediately after my call, Hua Di suddenly decided to return to China. Later in 1998, the official Chin ese press announced that Hua had been arrested and charged with passing state secrets to US officials. In response, the Clinton administration and Condoleezza Rice at Stanford University worked together to lobby th e Chinese government. Stanford officials wrote to the Chinese government appealing for Hua's release. Then Stanford Provost Condoleezza Rice said, "Professor John Lewis had pr ovided evidence to the fact that the source materials for publications w ritten by him and Mr Hua were provided by approved Chinese authorities or already were available through the Stanford University library." Perry and Rice have all refused repeated requests for an i nterview. "Chinese Military G ets Lesson In US Thinking," contains an interesting point about Condol eezza Rice, the George W Bush campaign adviser. "Mr Bush's key campaign national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, has said she does not regard China as a threat," noted Gertz in his excelle nt article. As provost it was Rice's job to investigate and document the work of Hua Di and Dr. Rice did not make public that two top Stanford missile researchers were involved in a business deal to provide the Chinese arm y a secure communications system. Rice never noted that the Clinton admi nistration's military evaluation of the Chinese missile force is based o n the now-in-question Stanford works of Hua Di and Dr. Condoleezza Rice is reported to have traveled to China in recent years. H er views on China, her close work with the Clinton administration and he r involvement in the Hua Mei project raise disturbing and unanswered que stions. Today, Rice continues to maintain the Clinton administration fic tion that Hua Di was not a spy and nothing happened. Charles Smith is a national security and defense reporter for WorldNetDai ly.