csua.org/u/9sh -> www.salon.com/opinion/blumenthal/2004/11/03/second_bush_term/index_np.html
Mitchell's prophesy became the mission of Nixon's College Republ ican president, Karl Rove, who implemented the strategy of authoritarian populism behind George W Bush's victory. In the aftermath, Democrats will form their ritual circular firing squad of recriminations. But, finally, the loss was not due to their candidate 's personality, the flaws of this or that advisor or the party's platfor m The Democrats surprised themselves at their ability to raise tens of millions of dollars, inspire hundreds of thousands of activists, spawn e xtensive new organizations, attract icons of popular culture and present themselves as unified around a centrist position. Turnout vastly increased among African-Americans and Hispanics. More than 60 percent of the newly registered voters went for John Kerry . Those concerned about the economy voted overwhelmingly for him; You have two options: Subscribe now, or w atch a brief ad and get a free day pass.