Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 34232
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2004/10/19 [Uncategorized] UID:34232 Activity:high
10/19   Can anyone give any context here?  Caption doesn't help much.
        \_ "Dammit, AF1's heading for the rose garden again.  Karl, uh,
           would you mind?"
        \_ uh... how about clicking the "related article" link
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Bush Adviser Sits Under Air Force One AP - Mon Oct 18,10:54 PM ET Copyright 2004 The Associated Press. The informati on contained in the AP News report may not be published, broadcast, rewr itten or redistributed without the prior written authority of The Associ ated Press.
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Returning to the aircraft after Bush's foreign policy speech, the two men traded words. As Bush climbed the stairs, his top political adviser set his briefcase down in front of the tires and stretched out on the groun d with his back to the wheels. a smiling Bush waved from the plane and they both got aboard. "It was a humorous moment on the campaign trail," was all Bush campaign s pokesman Scott Stanzel would say about Rove's antic. The informati on contained in the AP News report may not be published, broadcast, rewr itten or redistributed without the prior written authority of The Associ ated Press.