testified last week about the UCLA Quarantine project before the House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet and Intellectual Propert y The subcommittee called the hearing to get an update on how universit ies are addressing the piracy problem.
working togeth er toward two objectives: to bring low-cost music download services to c ampuses to give students an alternative to P2P networks, and to develop technological measures to stem the tide of copyright violations occurrin g over file-trading networks. UCLA Quarantine focuses on the second issue: The school developed a syste m that automatically alerts students to copyright violations. Since it d ebuted in the spring, the system has been successful, according to Davis . When a person is flagged for a copyright infringement violation by a copy right holder, like a music label or movie studio, their IP address is au tomatically cut off from all network access except university resources, ending the student's ability to swap files. Students are able to get themselves out of quarantine quickly by visiting a web page, agreeing to the school's acceptable-use policy and removing the copyright material. After a student takes these steps, their comput er is automatically taken out of quarantine, and full network services a re restored within a day. The school stores data about the students, who are identified by IP address, in case of a future offense. Kent Wada, UCLA's director of IT policy, said the school approached the p roblem as a student-life issue rather than a technology issue. "We spent a lot of time thinking about what we can automate and what requ ires human judgment. That first notification for us is a teachable momen t," Wada said. Wada said students who receive the notices tend not to repeat the offense . Davis reported there have been no second offenders since Quarantine we nt into place. But if a student feels he has been mistakenly targeted, h e can talk to the dean of students. In case of a repeat offender, the st udent is also referred to the dean. The system is in place throughout UCLA's residence halls, which house 7,5 00 students, or 20 percent of the student population. Those living off-c ampus use their own internet service providers, so the Quarantine system does not apply.
Universal's system s ends notices in XML format, as well as a legal document, to make it easi er to process the claim. "That way, ISPs and universities have a standard way to read infringement notices," said Aaron Markham, director of internet anti-piracy for Univ ersal. Given the massive volume of notices -- Universal sends out 1,000 to 4,000 per day -- the ACNS makes the process smoother. The entertainment compa nies get a faster response to their complaints, and the universities and ISPs can more effectively enforce their policies, Markham said. The Recording Industry Association of America, the Motion Picture Associa tion of America and its member companies are all using ACNS. Markham sai d the tool is available for universities and ISPs to use for free. UCLA isn't the only school with a system in place for curbing P2P.
University of California at Berkeley has already agreed to launch Quarantine on its campus, and other UC schools will be evaluating the t ool as well, according to Abby Lunardini, a spokeswoman for the UC Offic e of the President. UC is also working to bring affordable online music and movie services to its campuses, and will send out a request for prop osals next month. End of story Send e-mail icon Have a comment on this article?
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