Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 33549
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/12/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2004/9/15 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:33549 Activity:high
9/15    To whomever wanted to beat up on sca ppl.  Thursday evenings,
        Rockridge bart.  Both rapier and medieval combat.  You don't have to
        bring anything but your soon-to-be-bruised body.  Any more details
        mail me. -pst
        \_ What the hell are sca ppl and why would anybody want to beat
           them up other than beating up people can be a good thing?
        \_ Can I bring my .50 cal desert eagle?  someone on motd said it was
           teh suk.
           \_ Then go subscribe to dharry@csua and lets all go to jackson arms.
           \_ that's Aquila Deserae (help, mr latin?) 1/2
        \_ Uh, sir!  You acknowledge that you are talking to a chaotic-neutral
           8th level half-elf ranger-illusionist, and you treat me with that

           I did not sew these leather breeches myself so that I can't get a
           goblet of non-alcoholic mead when I ask for it!

           Oh mighty Odin, where is thy cleansing thunder bolt?