Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 32913
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/24 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2004/8/15-16 [Uncategorized] UID:32913 Activity:moderate
8/15    How to use -o (-or) flag with find? that is the question.
        find ./ -name hi -o -name there -print, for example, does not
        do it. (only finds "there", but not "hi")  help tnx,
        \_ How do I, damnit.  HOW DO I.  Not how to.  You are
           intentionally refusing to learn this aren't you?
           \_ it could also be shorthand for "Can anyone tell me how
              \_ It's not.  Train harder, grasshopper.
              to ..." Why don't you just get the fuck over it? CS
              is all about abbreviations and shorthand anyway.
              \_ "How do I" is two whole characters more and doesn't make
                 you sound like a total moron.
              \_ That's about as stupid as people asking questions
                 in the form of urlP. I've been on other message
                 boards before and nobody asks questions starting
                 with "How to".
              \_ No, actually it isn't.  If you're sloppy and lazy then
                 there may be some truth to this, but generally no.
              \_ And this is also the reason why (EE)CS majors
                 are known for their poor social skills.
                 \_ What about "what is cheeseboard?"
        \_ find . \( -name hi -o -name there \) -print
           there's an implicit -and between the "-name there" and the
           "-print"  I'd assume some order of operations precedence
          skips the -print