Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 32543
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/24 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2004/7/28-29 [Uncategorized] UID:32543 Activity:moderate
7/28    The new version of DVDShrink defaults to "Sharp" but lets you choose
        from something like: really smooth, smooth, sharp, really sharp.

        I'm thinking my eyes probably cant tell the difference but I would
        like to learn more about these settings.  The software isnt documented
        so please discuss! --gabriel
        \_ The simple answer is it can devote more bits to accurately tracking
           the shape of the objects in the image, or to accurately tracking
           the movement of the objects.  At one extreme you have a fuzzy
           picture that doesn't go to crap when the scene changes fast or there
           is a lto of movement.  At the other, you have a very sharp picture
           that gets nasty artifacts whenever stuff moves.  For an action
           movie, choose smooth, for something with a lot of static shots,
           choose sharp.
        \_ Check the forums.
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Hi If you came here looking for the Doom9 site on DVD backups, you've typed the wrong URL.