Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 31387
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

1993/8/30 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:31387 Activity:nil
8/28    Will there be any UNIX session for beginner and advance people
        like previous semester?  When and where will be?
        \_ Most likely.  It's not scheduled yet.  When it is scheduled,
           it will be in the motd.
            \- Cool.  Another example of CSUA ineptdness.  Has root
        messed up anything new toady?
        \_ No, it won't happen. You idiots don't deserve the effort.
        \- Another brilliant example of soda-user-stupidity.
           No wonder the CSUA, OCF, & XCF are all haivng problems
           trying to find enough people willing to put up with
           this crap and get help seessions put on.  Get up there
           and help or shut up.  The politburo is not the CSUA,
           all of us are.  Please come back when you get a clue.
           \- The CSUA politburo forms are elected representitives,
              the people that we elect to take care of the
              activities of the ourganization.  Thus, it is
              their fault that the help sesssions are not
              ourganized.  If they had been efficient enough
              to actually ask HELP, then you're argument would
              be valid, if I was not helping, but they did not,
              so you are not.
              \- And please note that only now afte rI have
          made fools of them does the politburo ask for
          aids.  Who are these people we elected?
          \_ actually, most of them were appointed after
             prior hozers resigned. Got a problem, run at
             the next election.  CSUA's got a longstanding
             tradition of whining and whining, but when
             given the opportunity of doing something about
             it, silence...
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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2013/10/24-2014/2/5 [Computer/SW/Apps, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:54741 Activity:nil
10/4    Where is the CSUA IRC channel?
        \_ on freenode, it is rad, you should join us -ausman
2013/10/24-2014/2/5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW] UID:54746 Activity:nil
9/26    I remember there was web version of the motd with search function
        (originally due to kchang ?).  The last time I used it it was hosted
        on the csua website but I can't remember its url (onset of dementia?)
        now. Can somebody plz post it, tnx.
           \_ for some reason I couldn't log in since Sept and the archiver