Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 31065
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2025/01/11 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2004/6/29 [Uncategorized/German] UID:31065 Activity:nil
6/29    What does "1z" and "1zz" mean in the context of baby clothing?
        \_ Did you see it written or hear it spoken?  A "one-sie" is a single
           garment that covers the whole kid.  Either with or without legs.
           Typically they snap up in the diaper area for easy changes.
           \_ Thanks.  I heard it spoken.  So is there something that sound
              like 1zz or one-sie-sie?  What about two-sie?
              \_ "one-sie" is like a cute version of "one-piece" -- never heard
                 of one-sie-sie or two-sie.
              \_ I'm guessing it's either a grammar error as in multiple
                 one-sies (one-sie-s) or you misheard toddler sizes (ie. 1T,
                 2T for one toddler, two toddler). Note that babies sizes are
                 normally in six month increments (6-12M, 12-18M, etc.)