Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 30562
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2004/6/3 [Uncategorized] UID:30562 Activity:high
6/3     Slightly more nuanced poll...
        1. Did Scott Peterson kill Lacy?
           Yes: ....
           No :
           Don't know : .
        2. Is Scott Peterson guilty beyond a reasonable doubt?
           \_ I intended this question as "would you vote to convict?" -op
              \_ I think we answered that way.
              \_ how can you vote without hearing the evidence?
                 \_ Since we're not jurors, our vote doesn't matter, and we
                    only base our votes on what we know of the case.
                    \_ Well, all I know is that I know too little to make
                       a good judgement on whether he is guilty beyond
                       reasonable doubt.
                       \_ He either did it, or else he's both incredibly
                          unlucky and stupid.
                          \_ He sold shit for a living.  How lucky or smart
                             could he really be?
           Yes: .
           No : ....
        3. Scott Peterson trial verdict?
           Guilty    : .
           Not Guilty: ..
           Mistrial  :
           Not Sure.  It's a toss up: .
        \_ who cares.  now can I delete this thread?
             No:  ...