4/29 This guy is awesome! Why doesn't Berkeley have cool people this like?
\_ We used to.
\_ I like the d10 in the photo. It's real old school.
\_ Yeah because people who game today have a different shape for
10 sided dice.
\_ No, because it's all about the d20 these days. What sort of
nerdy geek, are you?
\_ Oh. I didn't know that. How many d20's do I roll for
a dagger hit? SHIT! I've been gaming all wrong!!!
\_ Sigh. Go home and play Diablo. Leave the real gaming
to those who know what they're doing.
\_ Diablo? What gave you the idea I play that shit?
\_ A true geek would use a d100.
\_ you mean 2d10?
\_ the shape of the ten sided dice has changed? I did not
know that.
\_ well there are these really annoying 10 siders
that look sort of like cylindars and take forever to
stop rolling.
\_ speaking of which, do you see gamers using their palm pilots
to aid gaming?
\_ You trust the DM to tell you the truth about whether
or not a gold dragon can take a hit from a +35 flaming
sword of perpetual destruction and survive?!?
\_ Munchkin! Everyone knows the flaming sword of perpetual
destruction can't go above +30!
\_ hi, i'm a liar
\_ who is a liar?
\_ it depends on what your definition of the word "is" is
\_ I did not have sex with that woman! I only inhaled!
It was a chemical weapons plant, not an aspirin factory
and I was not wagging the dog!
\_ What's d10 and d20 ?
\_ http://www.abookorgame.com/reviews/dice/images/blue-10-dice-set-10-a.jpg
\_ ten and twenty sided dice.
\_ Why is "university" spelled wrong? It's written "MIT univeristy"
on the website.
\_ What, like MIT nerds need to spel correcly?
\_ Why is Ali so fat now? And I don't mean phat.
\_ url? |