4/24 On systems without Perl, what's the easiest way to obtain the
same results as perl -e 'print time()'?
\_ On systems with perl the easiest way is:
perl -e 'print $^T';
\_ 5 lines of C code using libc gettimeofday
\_ combine date with awk and do some simple math (in awk or with bc).
\_ combine date with awk and do some simple math (in awk or
with bc).
\_ 'date' has %s time format.
\_ That gives you the "current second", not the # of seconds
since epoch time.
\_ date +%s gives the # secs since Jan 1, 1970 on
FreeBSD and Linux. (It doesn't work at all on
if you compile gnudate on solaris it will work--psb
\- this is a gnudate extension.
if you compile gnudate on solaris it will
\_ If he can compile stuff, then he
can just write a 3 line c pgm to
get the info he needs. |