2004/5/12 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:30175 Activity:low | 5/11 how do i check to see that the ISO I have was faithfully burnt to
CD. Can I run and MD5 check on a CD? (how?). I have an md5
checker for windows which works for the iso but not on the cd, I
could always put the cd on a linux box if there is a way to do it
\_ Uh, run the verification after you burn, which practically every
2002/11/26 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:26636 Activity:high | 11/25 i have just downloaded the freebsd 4.7 *.iso files. now, how do i burn
these *.iso files to the cdrom? like what search words to search for
more info at google, softwares capable of this, etc. would be greatly
\_ assuming you are using windows you will need roxio easy cd or
nero or something similar.. xp built in cd writer wont burn from
2001/10/28-29 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:22851 Activity:high | 10/27 Does Linux or BSD support CD to CD (I have a SCSI Plextor) burning?
\_ Not that I know of. I think you're best off reading the CD
and then burning it.
\_ Nothing prevents you from doing dd if=/dev/cdrom | cdrecord ....
or cat /dev/cdrom | cdrecord ....
\_ Have you actually tried this or are you just assuming this
2000/4/27-29 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:18126 Activity:high | 4/26 Can anyone recommend an 8x write CD-RW drive? Also, are those
cheap SCSI cards that sometimes come with the retail model adequate?
Thanks in advance.
\_ Sony has a 8/4/32 IDE drive for like $260 or so. Dunno if your
spec demanded "8x REwrite" or just 8x write. --sowings
\_ Nothing beats Plextor. I'm doing 12X CD to CD while playing q3!
2000/2/4-5 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:17427 Activity:low | 2/3 Anybody what kind of CD-ROM a Ultra 5 comes with? I'm trying to
configure xmcd and it complains about the CD drive being non SCSI-II
compliant. Anybody got xmcd working on ultra 5s? Thanks.
\_ Dude! Ultra5s are IDE based (the crappiest machines SUN has ever
\_ It works fine for me, ignoring the SCSI-II error and taking the
2000/1/24-25 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:17315 Activity:moderate | 1/24 Current CD drive is a SANYO CRD-820P which skips and doesn't do CDDA.
Any recommendation for one that is robust and CDDA-capable? I'm not
looking for much, just one that won't give me a lot of hassle and that
I can get music from with cdparanoia. Need IDE/ATAPI. Thanks.
get SCSI get Plextor
1999/11/2-4 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:16816 Activity:high | 11/2 Thinking about getting a CD writer. Is it necessary to get a read
only CD player and a writer, or can I just use one CD writer w/
a lot of HD space?
\_ You can get away with one CD player. However, if you ever wanna
make CD-to-CD copies, having a CD-ROM and a CD-R makes it a lot
simplier. of course, you can still do it with just a CD-R, but