Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 26145
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/27 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2002/10/10-11 [Uncategorized] UID:26145 Activity:moderate
10/9    Hah!  I'm going to retire!  I'm sending out these emails to everyone
        to send me 5 bucks to buy my reports and soon I'll be raking in
        thousands per day with unlimited earning potential!  You buncha
        suckers will be sitting on your lame asses on the motd while I'm on
        my own island somewhere surrounded by servants!
        \_ In common parlance, your 'island' is called a 'federal prison'
           and those servants are referred to as 'prison guards'.  And the
           300lb gentleman raping your ass is what you'd doubtless call the
           'concierge'.  But whatever works for you man.  Go for it!
           \_ It's perfectly legal!  One of my reports says so.
           \_ "I don't want to go to "pound-your-ass" prison!"
        \_ Eh, I tried it and it didn't work. However, I found something
           that did! Send me $5 for my report on what I did and how you
           can do it, too!
           \_ You just didn't try hard enough!  If you haven't gotten enough
              money coming in you just have to keep sending out more emails!
        \_ Just give me your bank account number and I'll deposit a large
           amount of money of which you'll get 10%
           \_ I can give you my bank account #, no problem.  You can't *do*
              anything with it.
              \_ Just post it here. Thanks.
                 \_ 314159265358979, Bank of Zurich