2/5 Capitalism these days really sucks- I am a firm believer in
capitalism but.... the ideas of capitalism assumes low barriers
to entry. currently the barriers to enter industry have never
been higher. I never understood why there are only 2 airplane
producers, 8 car producers, 4 tire producers, 1 os producer, 5 hd
producers, 2 chip producers, etc. we live the age of monopoly
disquised as capitalism and competition.
the taste of competition and the capitalist market are beyond the
senses. We need to look no further than the dot com explosion.
Finally an industry formed where the barriers to entry were low
and the ideals of our creators were realized. However, what
happened, the new industry had to transform itself to fit into
our disquised capitalist system.
we can also observe the market for communications services. The
availability of massive amounts of financing allowed gradiouse
network buildouts to attempt to compete against the like of ATT,
Sprint, WorldCom and the Regional Bell (RBOC's). However in the
end the forces of our economy pushed us into the direction of
continued monopoly.
To see this more explicitly one need only to open the business
section of the paper. Our monopolistic firms are firing countless
numbers of employees and at the same time announcing earnings in
the BILLIONS of $$$. ExxonMobile announced 3B in PROFIT in what
could the be harshest business environment in history. Citigroup
anounced 3.3B in PROFIT in parhaps the harshest banking
environment in HISTORY. If things are so bad and if we are
operating in a recssion how can it be that our leading
corporations are generating billions in profits. Simple, we do
not operate or live in a capitalist system.
Thus any attack on capitalism is not an attack on today's
economy. We must derive new terms and new descriptions to attack
the travesities of todays economic order which falsly disquises
itself as capitalism. |