Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 23728
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2002/1/31 [Uncategorized] UID:23728 Activity:very high 76%like:23721
1/30    Is there a place in the Bay Area where one can buy a mobile
        (something you put up on the ceiling)?
        \_ you can probably find some nice ones at art museums.
           they may have calder ones at sfmoma.
        \_ What's a mobile?
           \_ opposite of a stationary
                \_lol very appropriate answer.
        \_ SFMOMA and Chiasso.  You may also find some at random
           shi-shi stores.  I'd go with the ones in SFMOMA, for
           better price and make.
           \_ I haven't tried this but I hear they're not that hard to
              make yourself, I've seen nice homemade ones made from
              wood and string and using shells, coins, found objects
              to hang on them.
              \_ I made one few years back while working at a computer lab.
                 The entire thing was made out of paperclips.
        \_ make one!
        \_ if it's not good, make it big.  if it's not big, paint it red.