Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 23507
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2002/1/9 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:23507 Activity:insanely high
1/8     I am getting tired of Pine's editor. I like jove.
        What's YOUR favorite email program? Can it use Jove as editor?
        \_ mh.  yes.
            \_What is mh? or Where is mh?
               \_ mh is everywhere and nowhere.
        \_ nmh.  it's mh with more features and fewer bugs. nmh+procmail+jove.
           I am, I am, I am superman, I can do anything.  I'm the motd mh god.
           I make it sing, I make it dance, I make it do things even the
           authors didn't know it could do.  I have achieved email handling
           Nirvana.  Post on motd for help.  -mh god
            \_ mh: Command not found.  Is my path incomplete?
            \_ rmh: Command not found. Is my path incomplete?
               \_ you are not tall enough to use mh.
               \_ mh isn't a program -- it's a collection of programs.
                  try "man inc"
                  \_ "man nmh".  remember to not type the quotes or the dot.
                     \_ > \_ man nmh
                        _: Command not found.
                        \_ your prompt is ">".  heh.
                  \_ man -k mh
        \_ mutt. yes.
        \_ emacs/mh-e, yes.
        \_ elm. yes.
        \_ VMail in emacs.  No, but emacs is similar to jove.
        \_ Pine can use Jove as an editor.  If you want it to.
           \_ How to do this? I set editor to "jove" in the setup config,
              But it's still same old pico editor.
        \_ pine + vim + ispell
        \_ gnus. It uses emacs as an editor, which is better than jove but
           if you want I'm sure you could write a hook to have it throw
           you into jove instead, or just write a complete jove emulator
           in elisp.
           \_ How does one write a hook to have it throw one into jove?
        \_ ...I can't believe our all-caps friend hasn't struck yet.
           This thread has been here for over a day..
        \_ i thought the default editor for pine _was_ jove...
           \_ No pine defaults to pico.
           \_ pico = PIne COmposer
                \_ pico is almost jove but fucks up newlines, right?
                   \_ jove is much more powerful than pico....
                      \_ this is a funny statement.  "my weakling 90 lb.
                         grandmother is stronger than your weakling 80 lb.
                         \_ ...right.  but is your hulking mussle-thug any
                            better at serving tea than my 90 pound weakling
                            grandma?  i doubt it.  if all i need is to
                            have tea poured, all i need is a weak, old
                         \_ you making fun of my grandmother?  my grandmother
                            can kick your grandmother's ass!  seriously,
                            pico doesn't even have a Goto Line command...
                            \_ Seriously indeed.
                        \_ My grandmother hasn't need a patch or upgrade in
                           almost 10 years.  How about yours?
                           \_ I think she'd do better if she had a life++ patch.
        \_ what about using ed?