2006/2/10-13 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:41795 Activity:moderate | 2/10 What was your computer configuration during your UCB years?
\_ None.
\_ 286, 5.25" disk drives
\_ 486-66, upgraded to 100MHz. Worked far better than the HPUX
machines compiling over NFS at the time (graduated in '97).
\_ hah, me too, except I also did the DX3 (33 MHz FSB) to
2005/1/28-29 [Computer/SW/Unix/WindowManager] UID:35950 Activity:kinda low | 1/28 What is your favorite lightweight terminal program?
\_ SecureCRT, the best. Putty, second.
\_ Terminal.app, SecureCRT, Putty.
\_ how does Terminal.app compare with SecureCRT?
\_ Sorry I mean for *nix. I find xterm too slow, and rxvt buggy.
\_ uh, xterm?
2004/12/9-12 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:35237 Activity:high | 12/9 Has anyone had experience with using a file under NFS as basically
a region of memory shared between separate machines? I.e., the
machines lock the file and read/write it to communicate. Speed is
not a huge concern, but can this be done reliably? Are there
caching issues? Will fsync work properly over NFS? This doesn't
seem ideal, but thanks for any advice.
2004/5/8-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:30108 Activity:very high | 5/8 On the linux ls discussion from the other day, this is my take:
Using/learning linux specific flags is all fine and good, and
adding new features to old tools is too, but when I have to
switch between 5 different OSes in a given day, it's simply a
waste of my time. There are many ways to solve a given problem.
Linux's solution always seems to be "add another flag". If you're
2003/10/28-29 [Computer/SW/Unix/WindowManager, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:10829 Activity:kinda low | 10/28 I've used PC&UNIX for most of my life and after trying to use the Macs
for only a week, I LOVE IT!!! Here's a question for you Mac users--
has anyone NOT like the Macs after trying them out?
\_ yes. i hated those fucking things from the day they came out
and apple abandoned their last decent line of computers
(the apple II). I hate the prices, I hate the interface, I hate
2002/7/14-15 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:25353 Activity:moderate | 7/13 Has anyone experienced the difference in qsort between Solaris and
Linux? I found that when the indices are the same, the sorting order
is different. Is there any way to get the Solaris-equivalent qsort
on Linux?
\_ The recursive nature of qsort means that you can never get
a stable sort out of it (AFAIK), meaning that
2001/12/11-12 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23216 Activity:moderate | 12/11 is there a way to 'uname' from a distance? ie is there some way to
'uname' a machine that i'm not logged into?
\_ Try "nslookup -query=hinfo hostname", but I think only some machines
conform to this. --- yuen
\_ some sites give out incorrect info to confound '1337 H4X0R5!
so don't trust hinfo records.
2001/3/21 [Computer/SW/OS/Misc] UID:20874 Activity:nil 58%like:20870 | 3/21 What's the proper way to say:
HPUX 1) H-P You-EX or 2) H-Pux?
\_ hp sucks.
Linux 1) Linn-nex 2) Line-nex
new Solaris 1) Solaris2.8 2) Solaris5.8 3) Solaris8?
\_ Who cares?
2001/2/23 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:20653 Activity:insanely high | 2/22 Let's do a political-OS correlation poll. I am a:
Democrat and Linux user: .
Democrat and Un*x user: ...
Democrat and Mac* user: .
Democrat and Windows* user: .
Republican and Linux user:
2001/2/22-23 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:20647 Activity:insanely high | 2/22 Come on. How hard could it be for some X savy Gnome lover out there
to script up a "minimize all"? It was the best think about windows
98 and after 3 years i can't find it for my linux box (i've searched
a little but not a huge amount so point the way if i just missed it).
\_ use win98 then, foo.
\_ Serves you right for using a shitty window manager with a shitty
2000/11/28-30 [Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:19936 Activity:moderate | 11/28 On an HP-UX system, how do I make a shared library? I tried the
procedure I normally use with other systems, but it fails. Here's
what happens:
gcc -c -fPIC a.c
[no errors]
gcc -shared -o a.so a.o