8/17 Is there something wrong with you if your first inclination upon
hearing that a minor acquaintance committed suicide is to laugh?
\_ Not really...I've done it a few times! Sometimes, thinking
about it, I still laugh.
\_ canned "bitter-learned" first world response.
\_ Yeah, that's why I asked, I happened to think about this time
in high school and giggled like a little girl. I think if it had
been a complete stranger or a close friend I wouldn't have
laughed. Maybe it was the absurdity of it all.
\_ I initially laughed when told that a very close friend of mine
had died in a car accident. I wanted to believe it was a joke,
even though the person who told me would not joke about something
like that. Denial is the first stage of psychological defense
in cases like this. -ausman |