Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 22110
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2001/8/14-15 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:22110 Activity:high
8/14    I want to take down (legally?), a spamming site.
        What can be done?
        \_ DDoS it
        \_ Complain to their upstream provider.
           \_ not sure whether upstream provider == ISP, but they say
              they are an ISP so they can't be taken down.
              \_ Someone sold them bandwidth, unless they laid their
                 own cable (highly unlikely). In this case it is AlterNet.
                 \_ How did you find that out?
        \_ % whois -h
           UUNET Technologies, Inc. (NETBLK-UUNET1996B) UUNET1996B
           iServices Inc. (NETBLK-UU-208-253-172) UU-208-253-172
           These fuckers are under UUNET. You might as well give up now;
           UUNet is known for being a haven for spammers.
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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2011/12/20-2012/2/6 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Computer/Rants] UID:54268 Activity:nil
12/20   A higher percentage of people in China than in Pakintan have an
        unfavorable view of China:
        Go figure.
        \_ damn these self critical liberals!
2011/11/27-2012/1/10 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:54244 Activity:nil
11/27   CalMail has been down for a few days (hardware failure and database
        corruption -- sounds like fun!) and is starting to come back online.
        Looks like they're planning to outsource all campus mail to either
        Google Apps or Microsoft 365 as part of Operational Excellence.
2009/10/27-11/3 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:53474 Activity:nil
10/27   I just read an article that Facebook had moved their database
        to all SSD to speed throughput, but now I can't find it. Has
        anyone else seen this? Any experience with doing this? -ausman
        \_ I hope you're not running mission critical data:
        \_ Do you have any idea how much storage space is used by Facebook,
2009/9/23-10/5 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:53392 Activity:nil
9/23    I never took CS188, is there a good book that's an intro to formal
        database theory, normalization, etc.?  I've got experience with SQL
        (MySQL & MSSQL), and understand tables, etc.
        \_ You mean CS186?
           \_ Oops, yah.  188 is AI or something?
              \_ That's right.
2009/9/10-15 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:53357 Activity:moderate
9/9     Larry Ellison is a bigger idiot than I thought:
        \_ My company's customers are insurance companies. Non-tech corporates don't
           trust open source. Why risk it. They have tons at stake and are willing
           to spend for solid products, support, and consultants who don't have long
           hair. They're being raped by IBM mainframes for millions. An optimized
2009/7/28-8/6 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:53213 Activity:nil
7/27    I have an actual technical question here. My MySQL DBA tells me
        that I can't expect a MySQL port to be able to run effectively
        on more than a two CPU box, he says that the extra CPUs will
        sit there unused. Is this true? I have a bunch of new quad core
        servers that I would like to use as Database machines. -ausman
   \_ It's not that simple.  If you stress test your new fancy multi core
2009/7/26-29 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:53200 Activity:nil
7/25    so is this a remote ssh exploit ?
        \_ No but this is:
           soda> ssh anywhere
2009/5/6-14 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:52961 Activity:kinda low
5/6     I'm sure you've seen web sites that distribute software by making
        a user fill out a form and then e-mailing the user a randomly
        generate link to the software that works just once. What software
        is used to do this? I'd like to distribute software in such a way.
        \_ "Software"?  What web server/web application environment
           are you using?
2009/5/5-6 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:52950 Activity:moderate
5/5     Is there a good (or standard) way to make an offline copy of a w
        ordpress blog (mine, not someone else's)? tia.
        \_ oh man.
           \_ I could cobble something together with curl / wget, but I'd
              rather not if there is a standard way of doing this.  I'm
              pretty new to wordpress / blogging and I just want to keep
2009/3/30-4/3 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:52772 Activity:nil
3/30    CF/SD Disk database:
Cache (395 bytes) is under construction. search the web: Search Car Rental Match Making Car Det Match Match Maker Instant Messaging Medical Match Date Cellular Phone Phone Accessory Phone Web Site International Conference Car Hire Conference Survey Fan Rental Cell Phone Accessory Server Battery Business Man Mobility Product Government Notebook Energy Hotel Los Angeles Design Date Dvd Water Cell Er
Cache (2792 bytes) ->
ARIN WHOIS Help Search for : Submit ARIN's WHOIS service provides a mechanism for finding contact and registration information for resources registered with ARIN. ARIN's database contains IP addresses, autonomous system (AS) numbers, organizations or customers that are associated with these resources, and related Points of Contact (POCs). ARIN's WHOIS will NOT locate any domain-related information, or any information relating to military networks. Many of these flags can be combined to indicate the desired output. Flags must be separated from each other and from the search term by a space. Your results will vary depending on the refinements you apply in your search. Query-by-record-type: To limit your query to a specific record type, include one of the following flags: n Network address space a Autonomous systems p Points of Contact o Organizations c End-user customers Query-by-attribute: To limit your query to a specific record attribute, include one of the following flags: @ <domain name> Searches for matches by the domain-portion of an e-mail address ! Searches that retrieve more than one record will be displayed in list output. Display flags: To modify the way that the query results display, include one of the following flags: + Shows detailed (aka 'full' output) display for EACH match - Shows summary only (aka 'list' output), even if single match returned The + flag cannot be used with the sub-query feature described below. Record hierarchy: Records in the ARIN WHOIS database have hierarchical relationship with other records. To display those related records, use the following flags: < Displays the record related up the hierarchy. For a network, display the supernet, or parent network in detailed (full) format. For a network, display the subdelegation, or subnets, below the network, in summary (list) format. For an organization or customer, display the resource registered to that organization or customer, in summary (list) format. This feature is only supported as a trailing character option. To take advantage of this append the query with an asterisk . This can also be used in combination with any flags defined above. Other helpful hints: To guarantee matching only a single record, look it up by its handle using a handle-only search. In the record summary line, the handle is shown in parentheses after the name. When using a handle to conduct a search for POC information, be sure to add the -ARIN extension. Queries that return more than 256 results will stop displaying data after the 256th result. You may want to narrow your search criteria or add flags to your query to limit the results. To search on an individual's name, you may enter the last name, or to further restrict results, use the last name and first name, separated by a comma.