Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 21942
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/27 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2001/7/25 [Academia/StanfUrd] UID:21942 Activity:high 66%like:21931
7/24    Do you date more in college?  Or after college?
        Before: .
        During: .....
        \_ You will never find as many young women ready, willing, and
           able as in college. Get it while you can. --dim
           \_ does that include stanford women?  there is a stereotype
              they are too studious to date.
                           \_ Did you mean "stupid" instead of
                              "studious"?  I've never met a
                              stanford chick who had anything
                              resembling a brain. Other parts
                              were good, but just no intelligence.
              \_ Too ugly to care. See Clinton, Chelsea. --dim
                 \_ Even those in biz school?
                 \_ Get out from behind your computer screen more often,
                    \_ D00D 570P TRY1NG 2 B3 '1337!
        After:  ...
                  \_ Definitely after. Never had the time in school.
        \_ Yermom is always available
        Same: .
              \_ Once a mac daddy pimp, alwyas a mac daddy pimp - tjb
        Never date: .
        [ results organized into standard motd poll format - motd
          formatting daemon ]
2024/11/27 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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2010/2/4-3/4 [Academia/UCLA, Academia/StanfUrd] UID:53690 Activity:nil
2/4     UCB 19th in private donations for 2009 behind #1 Stanford and #9 UCLA. (LA Times)
        List of Top 20: (Wall Street Journal)
        \_ advice to UCB fundraiser committee: Ask not how you can
           get more donations. Ask why you are not getting donations.
        \_ why the fuck should i donate to a place that told me my undergrad
2009/12/26-2010/2/18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:53605 Activity:kinda low
12/26   Mail is being retired, but will mail still be forwarded if we have
        a .forward? Also, _why_ is mail being retired?
        \_ one more yreason i only hire stanford grads from now on
           \_ Like you have any real hiring decision power.
        \_ don't recall seeing a discussion on this.  it would be nice if mail
           service remains.
2009/9/23-10/5 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:53395 Activity:moderate
9/23    I'm in grad school part time, and the professor I was trying to get
        to advise me just sent me "What you suggest (remote, part-time, topic
        formulation) doesn't fit my advising style..."  Does anyone know
        what "topic formulation" might mean in this context?  I come with
        funding from work, but the topics I can choose are somewhat limited.
        Could be a reference to that...
2009/8/12-9/1 [Academia/StanfUrd] UID:53266 Activity:kinda low
8/10    Check this out. I went to Google Maps, typed in Pasadena then Animal Shelter.
        The first few items are "Caltech Housing", for students. I tried this for
        other cities like Berkeley and got real animal shelters. Is this some kind
        of lame geek joke from Caltech fraternity students?
        \_ Learn to format properly. Caltech doesn't really have fraternities,
           they have "houses" which are sort of like dorms, co-ops and frats