Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 21459
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2001/6/8-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:21459 Activity:very high
6/8     I am moving to Geneva from New Jersey and would appreciate
        recommendation of shipping/freight companies, preferabbly with
        storage options.

Microsoft windows 2000 DNS RULEZ!f
        \_ How many sodans have moved from Geneva to New Jersey and can
           offer such advice?
           \_ John?
              \_ Who the fuck else would it be except that freak?
        \_ what's in Geneva? tech company? research?
              \_ Well CERN is in Geneva. A job a CERN would be a chance
                 of a lifetime, esp. for a experimental or theoretical
                 phyiscist. The still have a lot of ee/cs research there
                 but its not as interesting as the phyics.
                 Other possiblities include the UN or a Bank. Lots of
                 banks have CS guys and math guys.
           \_ better to ask what's in New Jersey? tech company? research?
              What is in Jersey that would make you leave Geneva? Grad sch?
              \_ well yeah, that's kind of my point. is Lucent doing stuff
                 in Geneva? or is this fellow *gasp* not in ee/cs?
                 \_ Bet he's (no chance a she) not ee/cs.
                    \_ Could be ee/cs. CERN has a lot of ee/cs.
              \_ NJ has Bell Labs, Princeton, Rutgers and IAS. A job at any
                 of those places might be worth moving to NJ.

Microsoft windows 2000 DNS RULEZ!f
        \_  Vadim Kogan: "Think Different"(tm)
            \_ Is this guy related to kahogan?
                    \_ where is Andre Cogan?  The man is such a goofball.
                       His sister, Oana, is absolutely HOT.
                       \_ pix please!
        \_ It's not called "DNS", is it? It's got some M$ version name.
                \_ it IS DNS and it is fully compliant. of course some
                    things won't work with BIND 8, but if you get BIND 9
                    you can be cool and work with MS.
           \_ are you thinking of WINS?
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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3/15    Why does MS put double-quotes around the '8' in Windows Server 8, like
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        \_ Because when they didn't do it, code didn't see the '\0'
           and went over?  Looks better than '8','\0' *shrug*
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        \_ Does C:\WINDOWS\system32\convert.exe work?
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        \_ Which OS?  Can't you drag the top border (not a corner) to resize
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