Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 21079
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2001/4/24-25 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:21079 Activity:moderate
4/23    Anyone know of a pretty print util for Windows 2000?  (I had a2ps for
        so, where can I get it?  (Please, no suggestions to change OS.)
        \_ print utility to do what?
           \_ Sorry, meant "pretty print" for source code (c++ perl, etc.)
              \_ You meant something like enscript?  If your printer driver
                 supports two pages per sheet, you can simply open your source
                 file as plain text and print with that feature.  Otherwise,
                 You can create a template in M$ Word to use landscape
                 orientation, two columns, and a small mono font.  Then open
                 a new document with that template and paste in your source
                 code.  Then print it.  (The latter was how I printed enscript-
                 like output on my 9-pin printer years ago.)  Either way, don't
                 forget to also utilize any two-sided printing feature to save
                 even more paper.  -- yuen
                 \_ But dumbya told me that cutting down trees is good for the
                    \_ Young troll, remember: to find enlightenment you
                       must hit where it hurts.  Ad hominem doesn't hurt
                       anything except your chances of walking the true
                       path to great trolldom.
                 \_ Enscript is similar to a2ps--I was under the impression that
                    enscript had been absorbed into a2ps.
        \_ emacs
           \_ Wow, emacs sends to the printer?  And formats the code like a2ps?
              Are you sure about this?
              \_ M-x print-buffer/ps-print-buffer/ps-print-buffer-with-faces do
                 send output to the local or network printer.  Don't know about
                 \_ yes, emacs does format like a2ps
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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2013/5/6 [Transportation/Car, Computer/HW/Printer] UID:54672 Activity:nil
        \_ seems like I get these every 6 months or so from HP.  Do all drives
           have these kind of issues and I only see the ones from HP because
           they are diligent about reporting/fixing these issues?  Or do they
           suck?   (It's not actually their drives so...)  Also, do I really
           need to bring down my production infrastructure and fix all this
2012/7/19-11/7 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:54439 Activity:nil
7/19    In C or C++, how do I write the code of a function with variable
        number of parameters in order to pass the variable parameters to
        another function that also has variable number of parameters?  Thanks.
        \_ The usual way (works on gcc 3.0+, Visual Studio 2005+):
               #define foo(fmt, ...) printf(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
           The cool new way (works on gcc 4.3+):
2008/6/24-27 [Computer/Companies/Google, Computer/Companies/Yahoo] UID:50360 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto
6/24    Yahoo vs. Google vs. Bear Sterns employee attrition. Yahoo may be
        dying but it's nothing compared to Bear. Google still rocks, so
        hold on to their stocks! And if you're leaving Yahoo, there's
        a resignation-letter template to use.
2007/9/20-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:48130 Activity:kinda low
9/20    Is there a way in Twiki to have children inherit settings from a
        parent? I know there is a WebTopicEditTemplate which you can use
        for an entire Web, but what I want is to be able to have all of
        the children under a given topic automatically be populated with
        a template of settings when created. Is there a way to do that?
        Right now I copy and paste my settings each time and not only does
2007/7/20-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:47355 Activity:nil
7/20  I was handed a templeted code that builds with gcc3.3.3 but not 3.4.4.
      I'm not all that hot with templetes, so I'm having trouble figuring
      out what's wrong.  The error I get is:
        TxBoundedFunctor.cpp:29: error: `template<class RetType, class ArgType>
           class TxFunctorBase' used without template parameters
      where TxBoundedFunctor extends TXFunctor extents TxFunctorBase. Like so:
2006/11/2-4 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:45107 Activity:low
11/02   I need to include instructions on how to create a tcpdump file as part
        of a Word Doc testplan . What I would like to do is to be able to cut
        and paste from a Unix shell window into a word document without
        losing the formatting or having it come out like regular text.
        Is there a template or mode I can use for this inside word?
        --Thanks Stressed out linux hacker
2006/2/21-23 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:41946 Activity:nil
2/21    Silly poll: What is your favorite design pattern?  Gang-of-Four or not.
        \_ Template method: .
        \_ Houndstooth: .
           \_ Is that structural or creational?
        \_ POLKA DOT: .
        \_ I've never seen a really good reason to use design patterns other
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