3/9 I'd like to be able to connect two keyboards to a single PC. The
keyboards can be ps/2 or 5-pin DIN style but not USB. I've looked at
the Y-Key-Key (cute name), but it costs ~$50. I don't need to use them
simultaneously, so a switch would be sufficient. Are there any cheap
devices that can do this? (... and if so, what?)
\_ You just want a keyboard switch? And you think $50 is expensive?
My last KVM switch was about $495.
\_ yes, I think $50 is expensive for a keyboard-only switch. And I
would expect a device that lets you use a single keyboard
(and mouse, and monitor) on multiple PCs to be a bit more complex
than one that lets you use multiple keyboards on a single PC.
\_ $50 too expensive for a piece of hardware? Look, son, go
find the parts at radio shack, add up the cost, now figure
in what it'll take to develop, market, package, and ship
your niche hardware item. Basic econ: low demand = low
your niche hardware item. Basic econ: low demand = high
price for commodity items. If you can beat that $50 kb
switch for the same quality and still make a profit, I'm
going to buy your stock when you go public. Until such
or do a search on the net.
time, however, please stop whining about $50, go get a job,
or do a search on the net. [corrected, thanks. mental typo]
\_ $50 for a switch? An inkjet printer costs about the
same these days.
\_ Hello? Certain costs are static no matter what the
object and since a keyboard switch isn't a commodity
item (only geeks want them), you're going to pay
more than something like the $50 inkjet printer I
got my mom. She needs a shitty printer. She
doesn't need two keyboards or a switch. Econ 1...
econ 1... econ 1....
\_ build ur own. |