12/20 Do tulip or iris bulbs last more than one season? I bought a bunch
of bulbs and I'm planting them. I'm wondering if I'll have do to
it over again next year because they will all die. Thanks.
\_ tulips don't naturalize in the Bay Area, it doesn't get cold
enough. Irises might. Daffodils do. If you want, you can dig
up your tulip bulbs and put them in the refrigerator for a month
and re-plant them. -tom
\_ tom is right about tulips -- they require a deep freeze
\_ axiom 2?
to bloom (around here, one has to refrigerate them for 6-8
weeks before planting). they can last another season around
here if you let the tulips bloom, and then wait until their
leaves wither after their blooming period (this is when nutrients
store up in the bulb and is valuable). Then, you dig them
up and store them in a cool, dry, dark place until fall, when
you once again, refrigerate/chill them, and start over. You
don't, fortunately, have to do this with irises, which do
naturalize quite nicely in the Bay Area (but every couple of
years, irises prefer some "thinning out" -- otherwise they
don't rebloom very well). If you want bulbs
that naturalize well, I second tom's recommendation of daffodils,
and I add a recommendation for narcissus (paperwhites), which
do not require a deep freeze, are low maintenance, and
bloom readily throughout the winter months (mine are blooming
right now, and there are more of them than last year). --chris |