Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 19378
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2000/9/30-10/2 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW] UID:19378 Activity:low
9/29    My company is trying to choose an external web server that
        offers cool stuff like servlet, JSP, EJB.  I am thinking about
        WebLogic, but then someone says Websphere is better... what would
        your recommendation be?
           \_ Apache or JigSaw
        \_ ask dbushong, geordan, or scotsman about how much they love
        __        __   _         _____
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          \ V  V /  __/ |_) \__ \  _|  __/ (_| | |
           \_/\_/ \___|_.__/|___/_|  \___|\__,_|_|

        \_ WebLogic is a good J2EE server, but I would use it as a web server.
           You should probably use Apache to serve your static pages and
           connect to WL for your J2EE needs.
        \_ My (limited) experience with websphere convinced me that it
           is really pokey and scales poorly.  -John
           \_ I wish it was pokey.  Then we might be able to debug it, but
              noooo.  From what I hear it runs well on AIX or NT, but don't
              try to run it on Solaris --dbushong
                \_ We ran on Solaris 2.6...I guess running an IBM product on a
                   Sun UNIX may not be optimal :-)  -john
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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2010/2/8-18 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/Apps] UID:53695 Activity:kinda low
2/5     I like Adobe Flash. When written correctly, it scales along
        with your browser size. It looks consistent on every single
        browser. It is predictable. On the other hand, I'm not a big
        fan of CSS/HTML, which for the most part, look wildly different
        between browsers, and don't even work consistently or
        correctly at times. So why do so many people (like Steve Jobs)
2009/10/27-11/3 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:53475 Activity:nil
        how does this work?
        \_ sh -c 'for ((i=0;i<10;i++)); do for ((j=0;j<10;j++)); do echo "$i$j-(\
$i+$j)" | bc; done ; done' | uniq
        \_ bash -c 'for ((i=0;i<10;i++)); do for ((j=0;j<10;j++)); do echo "$i$j\
-($i+$j)" | bc; done ; done' | uniq
2009/4/20-23 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:52876 Activity:nil
4/19    ORCL u SUNW = ORCL.
        What is Larry Ellison thinking? What is he going to do with a bunch of
        legacy Sun hardware that no one uses anymore, its fading workstation
        customer base, and open source Sun MySQL that doesn't even generate
        revenue? I really don't get all this acquisition business.
        \_ A lot of big companies still use big, fat Sun hardware. Or use
2009/1/15-23 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:52398 Activity:nil
1/15    can any serious development be done on OSX that is not *for OSX*.
        i'll grant that ruby on rails has excellent tutorials for the mac.
        \_ What kind of serious development?  If you want to use the standard
           OSX ui then your ui code will be pretty much useless elsewhere,
           but that's why concepts like MVC are so important.  Otherwise
2008/11/29-12/6 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/OS/VM] UID:52129 Activity:moderate
11/29   I'm experimenting with virtualization, and as a poor college student
        I'm wondering what the best alternatives for virtualization are, and
        how best to cut my teeth on messing with non-linux platforms (or I
        guess interesting stuff on Linux would work too). Right now I've got
        FreeBSD7 running on KVM on my home computer (on a Core 2 Quad), and am
        somewhat at a loss as to how to use it. (More details: bridged
2008/11/14-26 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:51970 Activity:moderate
        Sun Microsystems Inc. plans to cut up to 6,000 jobs, or 18 percent of
        its global work force, as sales of its high-end computer servers have
        collapsed.  The drastic move announced Friday highlights Sun's
        desperation to cut costs and survive as an independent company. Sun's
2008/11/14-26 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:51989 Activity:moderate
11/14   lulz why doesn't GOOG buy JAVA i mean SUN i mean whatever the hell they
        are these days.
        \_ Even GOOG isn't THAT stupid
           \_ Sorry, but WHY would Google do something like that? They
              run 99.2% Linux servers on the backend. They don't use
              Solaris for development. I mean, what does Sun have to
2008/9/24-29 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:51283 Activity:nil
9/24    Why is nscd going crazy?  DoS?
        \- back in the solaris say 2.5-2.6 era, it had both some bugs
           (some malformed nis maps made it go crazy) and architectural
           flaws in the IPC/door+threading mechanism. if you are running
           OS-recent, dunno, but you can trace it.
           \_ Yeah, I think it's just buggy.  I've restarted it, and it seems
2008/4/3-9 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:49658 Activity:nil
4/3     Solaris experts: I've never played with ZFS. Does it have a native
        dump command a la ufsdump?
        \_ This might be what you are looking for:
  [sun - bigadmin]
2008/3/30-4/6 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:49614 Activity:nil
3/30    Question: I just deleted 60 GB of files from an 80 GB disk. The
        disk activity lights were blinking like crazy and I could hear the
        drive crunch while the data was deleted. This is under Solaris.
        Anyway, I think UNIX uses unlink() when files are deleted. Shouldn't
        it just update the free list on the superblock and call it a day?
        What is all the crunching about?
2007/11/27-30 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:48701 Activity:high
11/27   I'm using select to do a nonblocking check to see if a single socket
        has anything to read off it.  Problem is, I can have up to 12228
        file descriptors, and Linux fd_set only supports up to 4096.  Any idea
        what I can do about this?  (Or a better solution?) -jrleek
        \- 1. who are you
           2. i am busy this week and you didnt mention language
2011/6/22-7/30 [Computer/SW] UID:54130 Activity:nil
6/17    Just wondering how many dropouts still live around campus?
        \_ Me. Right on Shattuck. --toulouse
           \- do you plan to go back to school eventually?
           \_ why did you drop out?
              \_ No money, parents bankrupt, couldn't pay for school. Got a job
                 and have been supporting them (and myself) just barely ever
2008/11/29-12/4 [Computer/Networking] UID:52128 Activity:moderate
11/28   So you know, I am going to see if the collective motd.wisdom has
        anything to add to my own research. I would think that given my
        political leanings in most areas, I would be a big fan of "net
        neutrality" but I am not, at least not so far. What is wrong with
        someone like AT&T charging more for premium internet service? Don't
        they do that already? Is there something I am missing here? -ausman
2007/7/19-20 [Computer/Companies/Google, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:47349 Activity:moderate
7/19    GOOG has almost 14,000 employees. For a search engine. What do
        they do?! I read one whitepaper from them about analyzing MTBF
        for disk drives, which is kind of cool, but low on the profit
        generation side of things.
        \_ You're right, google doesn't make any money.  Kill yourself.
           \_ I am not saying that. I am asking how many of those