12/7 I am looking for a graphical solitaire to use on the EECS solaris
x86 machines. Does anyone know a good place to find such a game?
\_ Look this message wasn't meant to cause so much controversy.
Yes it is true you are not supposed to play games on the
instructional PCs. But, quite often when I am programming
or trying to read some instructional material online I
get stressed or tired. I find that playing some lame game
like solitaire relaxes me enough so that I can get on with
my 36 hr programming nightmare. thanks for xsol and xtrek :)
\_ xsol.
\_haven't been able to find this on solaris x86 or HP
\_ get a fucking life.
\_ No games on instructional machines. Leave them for people
who need to get work done.
\_ Yeah whatever, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol!!!
Take *that*!! What's wrong with you kids today? Used to be that
the whole point of being a lab assistant was to get an account to
play xtrek with/on. And now uptight thought police bullies are
censoring the answer from the motd. If you need a box and some
clown is playing solitaire just politely ask him to leave. My
God. And "sheesh!" as well. xsol!
\_ it has nothing to do with policing, it has to do with
solitaire being a fucking stupid thing to use computers
\_ That's a matter of opinion and I strongly disagree with
yours. xsol all the way, baby!
\_ your sheesh makes me proud
\_ Use policy prohibits games. Read the sticker on the monitor.
- paolo (a.k.a one of the root@cory people who is tired of cleaning
up after people race their chairs down the hall because they
are lame and don't have lives.)
\_ Uh oh! A "policy"! Uh huh. I used the "no food and drink"
signs in e260 as a food mat to keep the tables from getting
sticky. Lighten up. -not John but agrees with him.
(and oh yeah, if you don't like your lame job, quit)
\_down which halls and why? are they speed contests between 2
\_ You know, I vaguely seem to recall at least a few people
with a sense of humor when I was at Cal. Have they all
graduated? -John
\_this question was meant to be humorous... oh well.
\_ humour? College is the culmination of a lifetime of
self sacrifice and hard work for some of us. We
dont' take it lightly.
\_considering that most college students are
twenty something, lifetime really doesn't
mean all that much...
\_ And some of us did that hard work and self-
sacrifice and still managed to maintain a sense
of humor.
\_ I 'member good ol' xtrek and griljor in e260! I sucked
at xtrek, except on that one server that had souped-up
galaxy-class ships. Griljor was much better. -nick
\_ Griljor was cute but had this "I know the map and you don't"
thing going which made it hard for new players to get into it.
I left the lab many a morning with xtrek claw though.
\_couldn't find any of these games either.
\_ Griljor was a home grown project. Maybe someone here knows
where the source is? xtrek is now Netrek. Clients are
available to contact publicly available servers around the
world. Read <DEAD>rec.games.net<DEAD>rek for more info and current
flames. |