5/25 Anybody know how to save realaudio files. I am trying to get
some content from this site. Unfortunately I save link manages to
get me only a small file with information to where the actual data
is located. Thanks --marc
\_ that's how real media works, you can get the real file by making a
a link in an html file that points to the real file, then holding
down shift while clicking the link.
\_ Hmm, What if the real file has the following URL
rtsp://x.x.x/ ??? Netscape has no idea what to do with this.
\_ Then you'll need to reverse engineer the proprietary
RealMedia protocols or just accept the servers wishes
that you not be able to save the file you media pirate.
\_ How can this be pirating? I can listen to the audio
anytime I want. I just don't want to listen to this
stuff over a modem. I hate listening to something
and then have it stop every once in a while because
of network congestion. You get my drift. I am not
downloading this and then reselling it with intent
to make a profit.
\_ real networks sucks ass. they are far more
interested in this kind of stuff than they
are in decent fidelity, consumer empowerment,
anyway, i think there are some tools floating
around hotline to capture their streams.
-- caliban
\_ when images, documents, and CD-ROMs get
like this, it will all -suck-ass-.
"Back in the day, we could pir8te *anything*"
"no kidding, grandpa??"
\_ you are using a service, if you download the
file, you don't need them anymore, thus if you
steal it, then you are a pirate
\_ Or simply write/acquice a dummy device driver which
instead of playing the sound simply saves it to a .wav
file on your hard drive. -nweaver
\_ Or just attach the sound output port on your PC
to the input on a tape player and record it.
\_ Well let me think about this one. I don't
think so. I would have to bring in my
stereo system here to Soda and that is
not something I can do easily.
\_ Get a handheld tape player loser
\_ Although the tape routine always works, it does
result in a loss of fidelity. The dummy device
driver is lossless.
\_ dat tape is not lossless --caliban
\_ What part of "tape results in a loss
of fidelity" do you not understand?
\_ It is when you have to go through the
audio-dightal conversion twice.
Of course real audio is already pretty lossy.
\_ what part of not do you not understand?
\_ I've noticed that it's an nsp://blah.ram type URL at
http://tunes.com. For evil hacking purposes, how did RealAudio
get my browser to recognize the nsp:// (or rtsp) prefix
and talk that protocol?
I'm presuming it's not on-the-fly and was installed into
my browser somehow when I installed RealAudio. (i.e.,
if prefix is nsp:// then start RealAudio and have it
talk to that IP - is that how it works?)
\_ Your browser doesn't speak that protocol. RealAudio
tells your browser to hand off the .ram/.rm files
to it and it reads the URL out and speaks that
protocol. For all your browser knows, the .rm file
contains a gif of Queen Amidala doing Jar-Jar.
\_ Just imagine what he can do with that tongue.
\_ Can you say... penetration?
\_ "We mazz do zamthing guigly!"
\_ you save it by doing record from your machine, assuming your sound
card can handle playing & recording the playback at the same time |