2/19 I can't remember what was the command to convert text into an
ASCII graphic... Any clues?
\_ use a scanner?
\_ No no no. i mean that Unix function that takes a text
string say Hello and outputs text made up of letters and
symbols and stuff.. it was posted on motd before..
\_ _ _ _ _ _
| \| |___ __| |_ _ ___ __ __ _| |_ __ _| |_
| .` / _ \ / _| | || / -_) \ V V / ' \/ _` | _|
|_|\_\___/ \__|_|\_,_\___| \_/\_/|_||_\__,_|\__|
_ _ ___ _ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _ _
| || / _ \ || | | ' \/ -_) _` | ' \ _
\_, \___/\_,_| |_|_|_\___\__,_|_||_(_)
\_ figlet?
\_ that's not it.
\_ piglet
\_ sniglet |