1/11 Everyone hurry up and mock the new SGI Sellout line of NT/intel
workstations before SGI dies a merciful death.
\_ Intergraph Wildcat 210 CDRS new
SGI 540 198 CDRS new
HP Kayak, Visualize FX6 190 CDRS 1.5 year old tech
unless SGI thinks they can match or surpass -existing- HP
or Intergraph technology on Windows NT, they're in trouble.
\_ Okay, maybe dumb question. What's CDRS?
\_ if they're using intel chips then at least you can replace the
operating system with a real one like Solaris, Linux, or FreeBSD.
\_ Sellout? Yeah better for them to keep selling machines that no
that mob ties explain a lot about success,and also strategy.
one will buy. At least they'll still have their pride if not
their jobs and stock.
\_ you think going from being a real company to one
repackaging MS/Intel products is a way to keep pride?
\_ Nope. Back to Reading Comp. 1A for you.
\_ "At least they'll still have their pride" in
respsonse to the announcement that SGI is using
an NT/intel combo. I don't know what the hell
kind of education you got but you seem like the
one who needs to take Reading Comp. 1A.
\_ As I said. Back to Reading Comp. 1A. You still
have failed to read a simple English paragraph.
Hell, it wasn't even long enough to be a real
paragraph and you're still unable to read it.
You have it completely ass-backwards. Try again.
\_ Actually, you've got it wrong. Perhaps
you meant to say "they'd" instead of
\_ No. I said _exactly_ what I meant and meant
_exactly_ what I said.
\_ What's the point?
[ Idiotic arguement about English sytax deleted. ]
\_ the idiot-grinning picture of Richard E. Belluzzo, the CEO
of SGI, looks like a mobster. Actually, look at his name.
Then consider he's in cahoots with redmond. Then consider
that mob ties explain a lot about [m$] success,and also strategy.
\_ Say what?
\_ agreed. what are you babbling about? |