Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 14694
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

1998/9/29-30 [Computer/SW, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:14694 Activity:high
9/29    MCB majors desire minor in CS.  If anyone has any advice for these
        poor souls, consider mailing to mcb-students@uclink4.  ~jctwu/pub
        for the e-mails. (or post here and I'll forward the motd)
        \_ They're fucked.  A minor is worthless anyway.
           \_ Next time you go to the ER and your kid's or your own life
             is in danger tell the doctor what you think about MCB majors
              if it may prove useful. A minor is usually only 3 classes
              and see if they'll bother saving your life.  Learning about
              two different subjects means you're broad minded and not a
              narrow minded nerd.  And I have a lot more respect for
              MCB/CS than I do for CS/buisness who only care about
              becoming the next bill gate$.
           \_ I think it's worthwhile to take lots of upper division
              classes in majors different from your own, especially
              if they may prove useful. A minor is usually only 3 classes
              short of the requirements for a major. --dim
                \_ If you want it for work, you can't compete with majors.
                   \_ The idea is that, for example, a biologist who can code
                      is better than one that can't. The workplace is
                      becoming more and more interdisciplinary. Maybe
                      someone should tell Bill Gates that he'll never
                      compete with majors (or grads for that matter). --dim
                        \_ Nice theory.  "Hyuck! Hyuck!  Bill Gates is a
                           great example for all arguments!  Hyuck!  I can
                           always prove my point by using BG!  Hyuck!"
                        \_ You don't need a minor to show you can code.  In
                           fact, I would not assume that a CS major meant
                           you could code either.
                           \_ The idea isn't to *prove* you can code. The
                              idea is to *learn* how to code. Of course
                              you can learn without the minor (or major),
                              but that's one way to learn. --dim
        \_ I love the fact that a lot of MCB kids who take upper division CS
           classes flunk in them, and start realizing that they're worthless
           shitheads-- they can't get into med school, and they can't code.
        \_ too late. Too bad you listened to your parents. It is rather sad
           that every Chinese parent wants his/her child to be a pre-med.
           Too late. Too bad. Should've grow a mind of your own.
           \_ That is so true. That is why there are fuckin so many luzer
              Chinese kids in MCB who can't get into pre-med and are now
              disillusioned about life.
              \_ dude, sounds like me.  worst decision i made in college was
                 pre-med.  (best was to switch to major in cs).
              \_ Parents are parents.  Can't please them all the time,
                 especially on decisions that have such a large impact on
                 your own life.  Mother still complains I do not give her
                 the bragging rights that her friends' kids do, but, to
                 steal a line from the Bosom Buddies song, "I don't care
                 what you say anymore, this is my life.  Go ahead with
                 your own life; leave me alone."
                \_ too bad you can't "switch" to a major in CS now... you
                   kind of have to start out in one --brg
                   \_ you're kidding!  is that a new rule?  or does that mean
                      you can't declare something new if you've already
                      declared in third year?  that's kinda late.
           \_ How about growing an opinion of your own, instead of repeating
              trite cliches you heard on Rush Limbaugh?
                   \_ Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot. - A. Franken
                \_ Gosh.  Maybe the cliche is based on reality?  Nah, I'm
                   sure it's just *totally* made up by Rush and the other
                   180 million people in the VRWC.
                \_ it's totally true.  My parents were reallly weirded
                    out when I didn't go premed.
           \_ My parents pushed me into engineering. Thought about switching
              but stayed when I finally realized engineering is what I
              hated least, not what I liked most.
ERROR, url_link recursive (eces.Colorado.EDU/secure/mindterm2) 2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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        \_ what do you mean? instruction on how to ssh into soda?
           \_ No I think he means the ssh applet, which, iirc, was an applet
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        \_ As a side note: back in my Cal days more than two decades ago when
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        \_ Because when they didn't do it, code didn't see the '\0'
           and went over?  Looks better than '8','\0' *shrug*