3/17 Hello, I am looking for suggestions about two things:
1. what is a good CD-R to get. Price [as long as we are still in
the commercial electronics and not $10000 range] is not important,
I would like it to write fast [4x is best consumer speed?], not
break [so willing to pay for name brand using good components],
easy to use [good software ... unix and windows?], and i suppose
it woul dbe nice to have multi-write capacity.
\_ Smart @ Friendly CD-R 4006 Deluxe (SCSI)
I have it and really love it. I can even record 4x off an EIDE
HD, which almost noone recommends doing. Lots of Adaptec software
which is unparalleled. Yes, it has multi-write capabilities
(even software that treats it as a writeable disk drive)
\-is this the one that is about $600? i saw this at a
certain unnamed unhelpful southbay consumer electronics
store but had never heard of S&F ... are they actually
repuatable company? --psb
2. is there a decent book on windows for a total windows illiterate.
and i mean total. on the other hand i dont need to have general
computer concepts like the difference between files and memory
\_ You shall be crushed, your bloody, battered bones fed to
\_ psb, u shall be crushed, your bloody, battered bones fed to
explained to me. in fact ideally it would mention design issues
[like does windows9# mmap ... not looking for programming reference
but would like to be abel to analyze design of a system]. --psb
\_ PSB, why don't you fuckin' stop rambling.
\_ you shall be crushed, your bloody, battered bones fed to
just punishment for crossing the path of His Holiness,
the psb. -psb #1 Fan
by a plague beggarman. This shall be your righteous and
just punishment for being a superficial FUCKHEAD.
\_ psb shall be crushed, your bloody, battered bones fed to
\_ You shall be crushed, your bloody, battered bones fed to
wild dogs, the dogs trampled by elephants, their mashed
carcasses fed to wild pigs, the pigs shall be speared
lengthwise, left to rot in the burning sun for half a
month, whereupon their festering remains shall be burned,
the ashes dumped over the lip of a raving volcano, carried
by a plagued beggarman. This shall be your righteous and
just punishment for being opposed to the will of the psb
psb forever. -psb #1 Fan
just punishment for being opposed to the will of the antipsb
and lacking sufficient intellect or imagination to do
anything more "clever"
and lacking sufficient intellect or imagination to do
anything more "clever" than edit someone else's motd entry.
\_ Go psb -psb fan #4 |