2/12 I hear this from some high sch00l kids: "Titanic is a real story?
Wow, I didn't know that." I can't believe that kids today get easier
SATs to score higher and inflated ACH scores and don't know shit about
WWI and WWII history. Soon they won't even know what UNIX is. Sheesh.
When I was their age I had to take a bus to school. Now, they just
watch live internet cast. The quality of education is just going
\_ You are a fucking MORON. The Titanic had nothing to do with WWx,
and has little place in a decent history education. Unfortunately,
even the "well educated elite", of which you are but the lowest
echelon, knows more about the Titanic than either of the world wars.
\_ Uh oh... back to Reading Comprehension 1A. Come back when
you have acquired this basic skill. The person didn't say
the Titanic had anything to do with either war anymore than
they said it had anything to do with UNIX which was also
mentioned. Nor are any of these topics covered on the
SAT/ACH which you fail to understand. Learn to read before
you troll motd again.
you troll the motd again.
\_But there is a Titanic/Unix relationship. The graphics
for the movie were done on SGI's running IRIX, a flavour
of unix.
\_ What SAT scores did those SGI guys have? They qualified
to work on a movie if they don't know any history?
\_ well, sure. faking the tests is cheaper than actually teaching
crack-babies something.
\_ These are the same kids who think the Fugees write their own songs
\_ Are they saying this about the actual ship, or are they talking
about the people involved? Of course the ship really sank (and
probably similarly to how it was depicted), but Jack and Rose
and the Gemstone were all fictitious.
\_ you are full of shit. It is a documentary of 2 lives in the
last hours of the Titanic. All true. My prof told us.
\_ "My Prof said so!" BAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHA There is no one in
the universe more distant from reality than a Berkeley Prof.
Take BH for example. How much more distant can you get?
\_ bh is not distant from reality. You just fail to
understand and appreciate the new communist future that's
coming to envelop us all, SOONER THAN YOU THINK, CAPITALIST
SCUM RUNNING DOG!!! How glorious will be the day when
I once again sit in front of a VT100, programming in
Scheme on my PDP-10. I will eat potstickers, and gaze out
the window with a feeling of elation and triumph at the
sight of the hammer-and-sickle flying on its staff above
a US Post Office. Occasionally I will answer the phone
(since this is the future, and all software is
GNU-copylefted, I need to do customer support over the
phone to make enough money to pay for electricity for the
PDP-10 and -6.) On long winter evenings, I will gather
the children around the fire, show them my knife
collection, and tell them how, when the day of revolution
came, I used every blade to KILL A CAPITALIST RUNNING
PIG-DOG OPPRESSOR _JUST LIKE YOU_!! Accomodate your mind
to the true reality of Communist thought before it's too
\_ Exactly. Thank you.
\_ There are kids, even adults, who don't listen to BACH.
\_ This has to do with choice, not ignorance. I don't _like_
Bach but I still _know_ who he was. I don't listen to him.
The Titanic story is a matter of history and not knowing
anything about the ship has to do with a faulty education,
not questionable taste in history (or music). IMNSHO, you
would do well to take a course or two in both logic and
rhetoric. "I know psb, and you, Sir, are no psb!"
\_ Anyone who doesn't like Bach should go jump in
the Atlantic.
\_ Obviously your musical opinions are so powerful and
correct that any who dare to feel otherwise would be
be overcome by the wave of rightness flowing from your
perfect form, leading them to jump in the Atlantic with
their entire CD collection. Or are you just stupid? |