2/21 What's the best tool to convert raw network traffic captured on the
wire into something useful? I'm currently reading the unparsed
output from ngrep, tcpdump and similar tools but I'd like to see that
turned into the real thing. For example, I want to see an output log
that says machine X went to host/port Y/y to grab URL Z for http
connections. I want emails going by saved out in mbox or other
human readable format. Does such a thing exist? I started to write
\- yes, but you have to email me --psb
\_ why not posted it on the web? I was looking for something
\- because as a general matter these anon requests are
annoying. i can understand for a dumb question or a
contentious issue but not in a case like this. i suppose
if you are widely disliked on sloda, that might be one
reason to ask for help anonymously. --psb
\_ maybe some people don't want their name attached
with looking for software to read raw network
traffic. the world just isn't as open minded and
understanding as you are, partha.
like that monitoring LAN network to spot abuses on
company's network, mainly to spot p2p client use at the
office --kngharv
\- if you want to look for p2p, that is a
matter of looking for the protocol. as a
general matter compliance issues are easier
to deal with because you can do offline rather
than realtime detection [offline = run on
tracedumps]. of course if you want to use
something like kazaa obliterator, then you
need to detect in realtime ... or not too
lagged batch proc. what is this "web" you
speak of. --psb
my own in perl but then realised I can't be the first person to ever
need this. Thanks!
\_ fantastic GUI utility called Ethereal. Available binaries for
windows, linux, solaris. source available. I've used it only
for reading traffic at the packet level, but perhaps if you want
application level stuff (eg, emails as opposed to SMTP packets
or whatever) perhaps you could write that yourself since its
open source. - rory
\_ Etherpeek
\_ If it doesn't have to be graphical, you might want to consider
hogwash (snort-based IDS.) Also, although it's more of a toy
than a tool, take a look at Etherape. -John
\_ use Etherape before. I find it not as useful as I would like
to be. Only thing cool about it is that it color coded traffic
from different ports. This feature allow me to spot p2p
client (most people uses p2p don;t bother with port changes),
and it is pretty good for detecting infected computer which
eat up all the bandwidth.
\_ Like I said, it's sort of a toy, although useful to get
an overview of traffic patterns. What I find really
hilarious (almost totally useless as a tool) is driftnet. |