Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 12230
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/12/26 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2004/2/12-13 [Recreation/Celebrity/ParisHilton] UID:12230 Activity:high
2/12    Full length paris hilton tape released on net: (semi work-safe)
        \_ When is someone going to put this in /csua/tmp?
           \_ Go ahead.  No one else cares.
              \_ your ambivalence is emasculating
                 \_ you really want to see a chick stoned out of her mind
                    taking it up the ass whole chatting on the phone?  i don't
                    and don't understand why anyone else would.  go ahead and
                    put it in tmp, no one is stopping you.
                    \_ Sounds like you watched it already.
        \_ The 2 minute clip was bad enough.  She looked so stoned and fucked
           up there was nothing erotic about it.
           \_ I thought there was something intriguing about the way she just
              lay there talking on the phone like nothing while that guy used
              her body, as well as the supposed illicitness of the vid.
              \_ "Intriguing?"  You sound like a potential sicko voyeur.  Best
                 to check yourself into a mental hospital before you do any
                 \_ I think a lot of people are sicko voyeurs. Why all the
                    hype about this, and the Pamela Anderson thing, etc.?
                    The vid didn't arouse me but it was...morbidly interesting.
                    \_ Morbid interest sounds like arousal to me.
                        \_ Only if you're a necrophiliac.
                           \_ Note I didn't necessarily say _sexual_ arousal.