Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 11998
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2004/1/29-30 [Consumer/PDA] UID:11998 Activity:nil
1/29    People using any kind of Sharp Zaurus, what's your opinion of it?
        \_ Let me know what you find.  I love linux, but I am not sure
           how useful it is even if you can compile your favorite linux
           program on Zaurus and run on it.  I end up getting a PalmOS
           PDA mainly for the selection of software.
           \_ I have a palm but i just use addressbook+calendar
           \_ It runs Linux!  It must be the best!!  For everything!!!!
           \_ just curious, is there a palm emulator for linux, you could run
              that on the zaurus if so...
           \_ A colleague of mine uses it for loads of security type
              audit work--he's porting (ported?) Wellenreiter to it, and
              uses it with an SMC CF wifi card to go war-walking.  Pretty
              cool;  he swears by it for "real" work too.  -John