1/17 I had a pipe leak in my apartment, and the lower floor was completely
soaked. I tried to force dry it, but it still smells like saltmarsh
in my livingroom. Is there anything I can do to get the stench out
aside from airing it out or burning my unit to the ground? TIA.
\_ It's stories like these that make me glad that I no longer live
in Berkeley.
\_ Not living in Berkeley. Stuff sometimes just happens, you know?
\_ I have no useful advice, but this reminds me of a funny story.
someone I know had the pressure go up in the sewar pipes enough
to force all the shit from his apartment building up into his
bathroom, all over the floor. there were turds in the bathtub
and all around. He busted a hole in the floor with a tire iron
and an axe, and the shit went down into the landlord's office
in the basement. he'd already tried getting
the landlord to respond and get a plumber for quite a
while, but in true slumlord fashion, there was no response
and all he had was a pager number. true story.
\_ There must be detergents that should be able to get it clean...
cuz there are like some chemicals that can get the stench of
housepet urine out of carpets.... there's probably still going
to be residual damage regardless.
\_ The same thing happened to my basement a couple weeks ago. If
your lower floor has wall-to-wall carpeting, the carpet & pad
(and any other soaked fabric material) should be thrown away.
\_ You need to contact your landlord and get them to replace the
carpet and pads. There's a mold hazard there and you tell him if
he doesn't take care of it you're going to file complaints with the
city and with his insurance carrier.
\_ You can disinfect it by peeing on the floor.
\_ rm? is that you, being a punk again?
\_ How/Why does urine stink up a room for so long?
\_ How do you know - have you tried?
\_ When I was thinking about buying a stinky cat-urined house, I
found info on some product that you could use to get the stench
out. It might work with human stenches, too. Don't remember what
it was called, but I'm sure you can google for it. |