12/11 Getting back to the language question, I've decided to fake British
accent. It's much easier to learn than German and I can get around
quite easily without being treated like a damn Yankee.
\_ Pretend to be Canadian, it's easier.
\_ Eh.
\_ Brit: "You're English? Brilliant! What part?
You: "Um. What part are YOU from?"
\_ Tally-ho! Jolly good show! I'm from the northern part of
Lexington and I graduated from Cambridge University
\_ Oh, good-- I mean, brilliant, I'm from far away from there--
Francisco... ingham... shire... upon Berkeley... wood.
\_ Or you can pretend your Scottish- Angus McCloud from North
\_ No foolin'! I'm from North Kilttown!
\_ Just sew a Maple Leaf on your backpack and say you're from
Vancouver. Lots of wiggle room there.
\_ brilliant! Do they talk like us there?
\_ Yeah, mostly. Just remember to say "zed" instead of
"z" and don't over-do the "eh" thing. |