10/6 Does anyone else remember back a couple of years when they lowered the
"car tax" by 2/3s? And all the statements that this would probably
have to be revisited in times of a shortfall. Davis didn't "triple
the car tax." He gave relief when we could, and asked us to tighten
when we couldn't. How short memories are.
\_ yep you're right, but that doesn't make a good sound bite
\_ Yeah, just like "temporary" tax increases.
\_ I remember. I also remember when sales tax was 3.5%. When does
it end? --dim
\_ I remember when the bridge was $1 and BART parking was free and
it cost $2 to cross the entire length of BART. I'm not sorry
that the people finally got some of their money back.
\_ BART parking is not free? When did this change? I think
it still is free.
\_ There are free and pay sections of BART parking.
\_ The original promise when BART was created was there would
never be a charge to park at BART. Another broken
promise. So now they charge and the lot where I live has
v promise. So now they charge and the lot where I live has
1/2 to 1/3 as many cars in it as it did when it was free.
they gained a few $1/day parkers at the expense of many
more $5/day riders. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I didn't
have to pay for parking because there's always room in
the free lot. I just walk further now.
\_ Oh yeah? Well I remember when we had to walk to school, in
the snow, uphill both ways! And we liked it!
\_ You had legs? We didn't have legs.
\_ Yeah, I remember this, too. No good deed goes unpunished.
\_ i was bitching about the tax relief at the time. Any tax relief,
including this stupid car tax, is benefiting the wealthy. I don't
pay that much car tax on my $19k CR-V.
\_ What are YOU complaining about. I drive a 13.5-year old Civic.
I still get 30+ mpg, too.
I still get 30+ mpg, too.
\_ Buy a new car you loser! Help the economy!
\_ Are you a complete idiot? The registration fee (car tax) is
regressive, like sales tax, etc.
\_ Do you mean that it taxes poor people more? How so?
It's definitely not progressive, but that doesn't
actually make regressive.
\_ Yes, it is. A poor person buys a $15k car and pays a much
higher percentage of their income in tax than a rich
person buying a $85k car. Anyway, this is all backwards.
Tax reduction don't benefit anyone. The original tax was
designed to punish the wealthy in the first place and
getting rid of it just restores fairness. Being rich
isn't a crime... yet.
\_ Fair is subjective. Those who benefit the most from
society bear the greatest interest in supporting it
via their taxes. That'd be fair. Rich fucks
complaining about taxes make me sick. Like they
would be junkies if the marginal tax rate was 70%
like it was before. Wow, you mean they might WORK
LESS? After making 40 million? Wow, what a fucking
bad thing it would be for them to spend time with
their kids or working with their community.
\_ Or producing jobs and growing the economy. Yeah,
\_ Less tax on profits stimulate jobs... Really?
Someone better call the economy and tell it
it's been stimulated.
\_ Indeed. Say I'm a business owner. Suddenly
I'm making more profit on the same workforce
and my production isn't slacking. I'm going
to hire more workers... why?
that would suck! Tax the rich til they aint rich
no more! The poor already get more in services than
\_ Or they simply leave the state.
they could possibly afford to pay the real price of.
Police, fire, emergency medical, 911, paved roads,
garbage collected, electrical and phone and housing
at rates *well* below market value, etc. This is
the 5 second short list off the top of my head. If
you're poor and not taking advantage of the free
education offered in this country to improve your
lot in life then I have absolutely no sympathy for
you. I'm neither rich nor poor. I work 40-70 hours
a week based on company need and it sucks and I don't
whine about how the gub'ment *owes* me anything or
that I'm *entitled* to anything. When the hell did
we start refering to welfare and other social(ist)
programs as "entitlements" anyway? What makes
anyone *entitled* to the money I've *earned* and
*worked hard* for? Fuck, now I'm pissed. I'm going
to vote recall now.
\_ Are you trying to say poor people aren't
entitled to emergency services? Wow. Yeah let
those poor people's house burn down, they
didn't pay enough taxes. What the fuck is
wrong with you? It's all about you!
\_ Good way to ignore everything I said and focus
on one tiny thing mentioned along the way. I
isn't a crime... yet.
see no reason to go into further detail for
someone that's intentionally blind.
\_ Which states have the lowest taxes? Mississippi
and Alabama. Would you like California to be
like them? |