Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 10254
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2003/9/19-20 [Computer/SW/Languages] UID:10254 Activity:moderate
9/19   Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer?  Can you tell?   (requires flash)
        \_ "requires flash".  Nope, sorry.  Flash is on the stupidity
           boycott list.
           \- does it make you better to share this with other people?
              \_ why would you care?  would it make you better to know?
        \_ Arrr!
           \_ Avast!
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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2012/12/18-2013/1/24 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:54561 Activity:nil
12/18   Happy 25th birthday Perl, and FUCK YOU Larry Wall for fucking up
        the computer science formalism that sets back compilers development
        back for at least a decade:
        \_ I tried to learn Perl but was scared away by it.  Maybe scripting
           lanauages have to be like that in order to work well?
2012/4/2-6/4 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/RevisionControl] UID:54353 Activity:nil
4/02    We use Perforce at work for revision control. It seems to work okay.
        Lately, a lot of the newer developers are saying that Perforce
        sucks and we should switch to Mercurial or Git. I have done some
        searching on the Internet and some others have this opinion. Added
        advantage is that Mercurial and Git are free. However, there would
        be some work to switch for the sysadmins and the developers.
2011/4/16-7/13 [Computer/SW/Languages/Python] UID:54086 Activity:nil
4/16    Whoa, I just heard that MIT discontinued 6.001 (classic scheme)
        to 6.01. In fact, 6.00, 6.01 and 6.02 all use Python. What the
        hell? What has the world become? It's a sad sad day. SICP forever!
        \_ old story, they've ditched that shitty book and lang for a while.
        \_ I used to think scheme was cool, then I saw Ka Ping Yee's
           "Beautiful Code" class aka 61a in python, and converted.
2011/4/26-7/13 [Computer/Theory, Health/Women] UID:54095 Activity:nil
4/26    Is it correct to say that Godel's work on the incompleteness thm
        proved the Principia Mathematica wrong?
        \_ It didn't exactly prove it wrong; it proved that the true goal of
           PM (a complete and consistent set of mathematical truths)
           is unattainable.  -tom
           \_ Ah cool, no this is good. See ok yeah so the main goal of PM
2011/2/13-4/20 [Computer/SW/Languages/JavaScript, Computer/SW/Languages, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:54037 Activity:nil
2/13    Prototype based programming/delegation (not the pattern).  anyone
        use this at all in real world?  Does it really solve the problem of
        OOP brittleness?
2011/2/24-4/20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:54048 Activity:nil
2/24    Go Programming Language.  Anyone here use it?  It kind of
        reminds me of java-meets python, and well, that is fitting given it's
        a GOOG product.  What is so special about it?
        \_ as I understand it, it's a suitable OOP-y systems language with more
           structure than C, less complexity than C++, and less overhead than
2011/2/5-19 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:54027 Activity:nil
2/4     random C programming/linker fu question.  If I have
        int main() { printf("%s is at this adddr %p\n", "strlen", strlen); }
        and soda's /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space is 2 (eg; on)
        why is strlen (or any other libc fn) at the same address every time?
        \_ I don't pretend to actually know the right answer to this, but
           could it have something to do with shared libraries?
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Programming Language Inventor or Serial Killer?